Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Science King Says “Je suis scientifique!”

Does Tony Fauci believe in the Divine Right of Scientists?

You know, last year I did a ‘shop image of Anthony Fauci as Napoleon. Looks like I picked the wrong French leader. Turns out, Fauci is more like Louis XIV, the Sun King himself. Or, in Tony’s case, the Science King.

Where the Sun King declared “Je suis l’état!”

The Science King declares, “Je suis scientifique!”

Twice over the last several days, the Science King has claimed that any attack on him is, in reality, an attack on Science.

No. I’m not joking. I mentioned the first “Je suis scientifique!” moment in a post on Saturday. Fauci went on Rachel Maddow’s show at the end of last week where he told Rachel that the attacks he’s facing over the release of his emails are “really very much an attack on science.”

And yesterday he did it — again on MSNBC — in an interview with Chuck Todd.

“You’re really attacking not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you’re attacking science.”

Or, as they say in the original French, “Je suis scientifique!”

Go shit in the ocean, Tony. What an unbelievable megalomaniac this wee little elf is.

How can someone so tiny manage to stay upright when he’s carrying around such an over-bloated head?

How long before Tony claims that attacks on him are an attack on the fundamental building blocks of our universe?

Last night on Twitter, Senator Tom Cotton called out the Science King tweeting, “This ego is remarkable considering Fauci has been wrong on nearly everything. He should be fired.”

John Gabriel retweeted the video and borrowed a verse from the first chapter of the Gospel of John tweeting, “And the Science became flesh, and dwelt among us.”

Look, we always knew the Science King had a bit of a god complex. Why do you think I ‘shopped him as Napoleon?

But this “Je suis scientifique!” defense is kinda creepy.

And while most sane people marvel at this level of megalomaniacal posturing, I have no doubt the media (and the White House) will eat it up with a spoon.

The Science King Says “Je suis scientifique!”