Saturday, June 12, 2021

Joe Chose Poorly

Is Joe feeling some buyer’s remorse over choosing Kamala?

I think it’s beginning to dawn on the White House that, in picking Kamala Harris as his running mate, Joe chose poorly.

One year ago – on June 10, 2020 – while discussing his potential VP choice, Biden told CBS News’ Nora O’Donnell, “I want someone strong, and someone who can … who is ready to be president on day one.”

Yeah. Joe chose poorly.

Kamala’s disastrous performance on her “First Foreign Trip as Vice PresidentTM” pretty much proves that, not only is Kamala not strong; she sure as hell wasn’t ready to be president “on day one.” Here we are at Day 143, and Kamala still isn’t ready.

Joe chose poorly.

When he announced Kamala as his pick in August of last year, Biden said that Kamala was “the best person” to “lead this nation starting in January 2021.”

That doesn’t say much for the rest of the potential women he considered (or himself for that matter). Because if Kamala was the best person to lead, then … wow.

Joe chose poorly.

In the aftermath of her awful trip to Guatemala and Mexico, CNN (of all places) reported that some people in the White House are “perplexed” over Kamala’s complete inability to answer some pretty straightforward and totally predicable questions. CNN’s John Harwood reported that Biden officials “were not thrilled” by Kamala’s clunky and defensive responses to the question of whether she will ever visit the border.

Keep in mind, the Biden Administration people are Obama people. And nothing matters more to them than optics. And the optics of Kamala’s trip were flat-out bad.

In addition to the uncomfortable exchange with Lester Holt that I mentioned the other day, Kamala had an equally awful moment in an interview with Univision yesterday.

It’s a brief clip, but you’ll see what I mean:

Sweet merciful Zeus.

Ilia Calderon is not an adversarial member of the press. In fact, she openly admitted to weeping at Biden’s inauguration. If Kamala gets that prickly with a sycophantic member of the press, then she really is tremendously bad at this.

No doubt about it, Joe chose poorly.

Come to think of it. I wonder if Jill Biden posing at the President’s desk on Air Force One looking all serious and studious has more to do with Kamala’s poor performance than Joe’s declining health.

Vice President Jill

Maybe Jill isn’t stepping into her husband’s shoes. Maybe instead she’s stepping into the VP void left when Joe decided to choose the vapid, thin-skinned, in-over-her-head lightweight Kamala Harris.