Sunday, June 13, 2021

Grandpa Does G7

America is back . . . to leading from behind.

The foreign leaders assembled at the G7 Summit in Cornwall are deeelighted to announce that “America is back!”

And when the G7 leaders say “America is back!” what they mean is they can go back to treating the USA like a doormat, getting oodles of taxpayer $$, all without offering a thing in return.

Yup. These guys know that with Grandpa Biden “in charge” “America is back” to “leading from behind.”

Poor Grandpa. All the cool kids at the G7 may want America’s money, but they certainly don’t have time for him.

Quite a change from this, am I right?

Greenfield column 5 rules

At another point, old Joe made the mistake of stopping to answer a reporter’s question without the note cards his communications staff always provide. Sweet merciful Zeus! They can’t have that. Thankfully, Jill raced to the rescue, and like an airport worker waving in a 747, wrangled Joe away before he could put his foot in his mouth.

Have you seen the awkward “Social Distancing” G7 “class picture?”

Grandpa does G7-01

Whoops. You know, on second thought, that might be “altered.” We’ll have to check with USA Today fact-checkers to be sure.

Okay, let’s try that again.

Wait. What are Ross and Demelza Poldark doing at the G7? Oh, right. It’s in Cornwall.

That isn’t the right picture either.

Let me give it another go.

G7 Octopus

Okay, now that is definitely not the right one.

Great Caesar’s ghost. Where the hell did I put the right picture?!

Let me try this again.

Drogon crashes the G7

You know what? That isn’t the right one either. But the thought of Daenerys Targaryen muttering “Dracarys” and Drogon unleashing a crap-ton of dragon fire down on the G7 gang is so appealing, I’ll settle for this one.

Smash the G7 wheel, Daenerys!

Apparently when they set up for this “socially distanced” G7 class picture, they all greeted each other with “elbow bumps.” Because world leaders are apparently born without the shame gene.

Holy smokes. That was an official G7 video?! Good grief. Now I’m doubly embarrassed for them.

Boy, I’ll tell ya. I miss Trump.