Monday, June 14, 2021

G7 Issues Preposterous Statement on Investigating Origins of Wuhan Virus

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

reported previously on some of the silliness at the G7.

You had elbow bumping and social distancing, as well as this ridiculous breakdown from Boris Johnson about what they were going to be focusing on, to “build back better” (there’s that ‘reset’ term again) after the pandemic by being “greener,” “more gender neutral, and perhaps a more feminine way.”

So I asked the question: are they actually going to do something that should be the top priority for world leaders — holding China to account for the cover-up of the Wuhan coronavirus?

They did issue a 25-page communique concerning what they had agreed on.

Much of it was just empty blather, devoted to climate change, gender equality, with a little space devoted to other world issues and concerns.

How much did they devote to the question of investigating the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus and holding China accountable?

Here it is.

“We also call for a timely, transparent, expert-led, and science-based WHO-convened Phase 2 COVID-19 Origins study including, as recommended by the experts’ report, in China.”

That’s it.

In other words, just like Joe Biden, they’re going to rely upon an organization that has already shown that it is held in the thrall of China, the same organization who told us in the middle of January 2020 that the virus wasn’t transmissible between humans based upon the information they had from the Chinese, and the same organization that said at the beginning of that February that they didn’t agree with cutting off travel from China.

Not only don’t they think that WHO should be chastised in any way for their response to the disaster, the communique agreed on “strengthening the World Health Organization (WHO) and supporting it in its leading and coordinating role in the global health system,” according to the communique.

Just unbelievable.

Now, they did mention some things about China — that they would continue to consult to deal with China on problems on fair trade; they also called on China to respect human rights in Xinjiang [where most of the Uighurs are located] and Hong Kong, and they were concerned about tensions in the South & East China Sea, as well as the Taiwan Strait. So, that’s something, although likely again, empty words — but still, important to say.

But, bottom line? How can you trust anything that WHO would come up with? And if everything goes through them, which is what this says, you basically have nothing. This sounds like it will be a lot of money and time that would ultimately end up with nothing.

We’ve already seen a lot of the evidence, but they’re not even acknowledging what we already know and calling China out on that. Where is that statement?