Sunday, June 13, 2021

Disaster At G7 As Biden Tackles Boris Johnson Mistaking Him For Trump

CORNWALL—G7 Summit meetings ended in chaos today after President Biden violently tackled British PM Boris Johnson after mistaking him for Donald Trump. 

"Hey! Hey you! Yeah, you! Didn't I tell ya not to show your orange face around here?" yelled Biden to the Prime Minister. "Why, I oughtta take ya out back and beat the hell out of ya."

Biden then hobbled over to Johnson and threw his full weight into him and tackled him to the ground. 

"Well, would you look at that, I'm on the ground!" Biden said to the other world leaders. "How did I get down here? Who wants an elbow bump from Uncle Joe? Leadership! Mask up people, it's you're patriotic duty! Say, Queen Elizabeth, you're looking swell today! Bring it in for a hug!" Biden then hugged his wife Jill who he had mistaken for Queen Elizabeth. 

Johnson is said to be mostly uninjured and is keeping "a stiff upper lip" about it, mainly because Biden also punched him in the lip.