Sunday, June 13, 2021

CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System Shows Stunning Increase in Deaths Due to Vaccine

According to the VAERS reporting system (within the CDC) there were 5,997 currently reported fatalities in 2021 attributed to vaccinations during the first half of this year.

Of that 5,997 number: 5,888 are directly attributed to COVID vaccinations.


By comparison in 2020 there were 365 total fatalities attributed to vaccines.

The 2021 data reflects a stunning increase.





♦ 2014 SARS Biological Weapon Program Paused (sort of) – U.S. Funds Wuhan, China, BioLab

♦ 2017 Right Before Leaving Office President Obama Reauthorized SARS Biological Weapons

♦ 2020 SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic begins from Wuhan, China, BioLab release

♦ 2021 U.S. Government demanded vaccinations Kill 5,888 Americans

People wonder why the U.S. government doesn’t want to investigate the real origin of the pandemic….
