Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Welcome back to the Carter Years!

Staggering inflation, rising prices, 
a stagnating economy, and now gas lines. 
It’s déjà vu all over again.

Boy, I remember the Carter years. Do you?

Gas lines, staggering inflation, rising prices, a stagnating economy. The Carter years were brutal.

And with the election of Joe Biden, we are now heading back to the Carter years.

Like I always say, why is it “progressives” inevitably take us backwards?

Inflation is on the rise. The cost of energy, durable goods, basic necessities are all climbing.

Have you seen the price of lumber lately? According to the National Association of Home Builders, lumber prices rose 80% since mid-April. New housing prices will now inevitably skyrocket.

It’s déjà vu all over again.

Welcome back to the Carter years, everybody!

In North Carolina, we see the return of gas lines – something we haven’t seen since, well, Carter was President.

America went from energy independent to gas lines in a hundred days.

I know what the counter-argument will be. “But that isn’t Biden’s fault! A Russian hacker gang infiltrated a private pipeline and are holding their system hostage until they pay a ransom!”

But isn’t that a national security issue?

In December of last year, President-elect Carter Biden vowed to make cybersecurity a “top priority of government.”

“Our adversaries should know,” old Joe said, “that as president, I will not stand idly by in the face of cyber assaults on our nation.”

Well, you’re doing a bang-up job, Joe!

While you stood idly by, a major pipeline in the US was shut down by a cyber assault.

Under Carter, American citizens were held hostage in Iran for 444 days.

Under Biden, a US energy company that services the Southeastern United States is being held hostage by hackers.

Maybe if the Federal Government spent less time rooting out Trump voters from the military, or promoting box-checking woke CIA employees, or hunting down random grandmothers who were in DC on January 6th, they might actually have the time to focus on cybersecurity.

If I’m not mistaken, President Carter Biden has been banging on about infrastructure for weeks. Well? Pipelines are infrastructure. And hackers have just shut down a pipeline that provides gas to the Southeastern United States.

But according to Kamala Mondale Harris, this is what leadership looks like.

Honestly, I didn’t expect anything different. Joe Biden has been in DC since before Jimmy Carter was elected President. We all knew what an incompetent clown Joe has always been. Expecting Biden to be the next FDR and not the next Jimmy Carter was a non-hacked pipe dream.

This is the Carter Years Redux. Incompetent, feckless lack-of-leadership is what you’re going get.

But, don’t worry. As the sticker shock from rising energy prices, grocery bills and inflation keeps you awake at night worrying about making ends meet, take comfort in knowing you are no longer subjected to mean tweets!