Sunday, May 30, 2021

The Ice Cream Deflection

Funny how Joe’s love of a high-fat frozen dairy product is always 
a top story just as Hunter’s dirty deals hit the news, ain’t it?

On October 14, 2020 the New York Post released its blockbuster report about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Four days later, the reporters cover the Biden campaign didn’t have time to ask Joe about it because they were too busy gushing like ‘tweens at a Jonas Brothers concert over Joe visiting an ice cream parlor with his granddaughter.

“Mr. Biden! Mr. Biden! What flavor did you get?!”

Oh, yeah. Way to stay on top of the big stories, guys. Great work.

This ice cream deflection didn’t go unnoticed at the time.

Well, guess what?

Hunter Biden’s scuzzy business deals are back in the news and Joe Biden once again went out for ice cream.

Yeah, I know. These reporters act like fan-girls. They’re even more sickening sweet than an ice cream cone.

In an effort to keep the ice cream deflection going, the hard-hitting journalists at MSNBC did a whole segment on Joe Biden’s love of ice cream through the years. It’s enough to turn you into a diabetic.

Broke: Look! A Squirrel!
Woke: Look! He’s getting ice cream!!!

Funny how Joe’s love of a high-fat frozen dairy product is always a top story just as Hunter’s dirty deals hit the news, ain’t it?

And you know folks are catching on when even attorney and Harvard law professor Jonathan Turley points it out – as he did this morning at his website in a column titled “Hunter Biden Is In The News . . . So The Media Goes Again For The Scoop.”

First some background.

The other day the New York Post reported that among the emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop was proof that, despite Joe’s repeated claims that he had no knowledge of Hunter’s business deals, Joe attended a private dinner at a DC restaurant with Hunter and his Eastern European business associates.

The dinner took place in April 2015, and among those in attendance was Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi who later followed up with Hunter by email thanking Hunter for introducing him to old Joe.

Also in attendance were Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina and her late husband former mayor of Moscow Yury Luzkhov.

Now, the name Yelena Baturina might sound familiar. Remember the Senate report that was released last September about Hunter’s dirty foreign dealings? It was Batruina from whom Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca company received a wire transfer of $3.5 Million in February 2014.

Now, to Turley’s column. It bears noting that Jonathan Turley is not a right-winger. He’s a Democrat. So if he’s beginning to spot this creepy ice cream deflection, you know it isn’t just some “Right Wing Talking Point.”

After describing the ice cream deflection from October of 2020, Turley writes:

Now, Hunter is back in the news as new emails surfaced that directly contradict what Joe Biden has said to those [very] same reporters. Biden and the media seemed to make a beeline for the nearest ice cream shop. It turns out that now Biden now prefers . . . (wait for it). . .chocolate chip.

The only indication that there were still any reporters present was a soft scoop question “Mr. President, what is your message to Republicans who are prepared to block the Jan. 6 commission?” Biden responded “Eat some chocolate chip.” It summed up the state of journalism in America perfectly. The media got their intended scoop. And this time the scoop was actually different!

It is not clear how long the President’s cholesterol or the media’s reputation can tolerate this pattern.

The corporate news media never tired of sniffing out scandal in virtually everything Donald Trump said and did – including explosive, hard-hitting reports on how many scoops of ice cream mean-old Trump got served.

But with Biden, they’re desperate to be distracted. They need to be distracted. Because the last thing these asshole reporters want to do is investigate the Biden family’s flagrant corruption, even when the scoop is served up to them on a silver cone by the New York Post.

Just a spoonful of ice cream