Monday, May 10, 2021

Leader Kevin McCarthy Discusses The Removal of Liz Cheney From #3 Role

Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy appears with Maria Bartiromo to discuss next week’s vote to remove Liz Cheney (Wednesday).  In the interview McCarthy notes Liz Cheney is dividing the GOP conference with her attacks against President Donald Trump.

A point missing from these discussions is the fact that President Trump received more votes than any president in history.  If Cheney wants to undermine Trump supporters she is effectively, and intentionally, supporting democrats.  Thus, this is a signature move by an entrenched UniParty republican.  Trump won more voters, including more minority voters, than any republican or democrat president in history.  THAT reality is not a fringe element.  MAGA is the majority.

McCarthy also discusses the 2020 census numbers and how the congressional appointments will aid the republican base in taking over the House of Representatives in the 2022 mid-terms.  To replace Liz Cheney, McCarthy supports Elise Stefanik to become conference chair.