Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Le Pen Warns Macron: “Danger of Civil War” Unless Islamist Problem Tackled FRANCE


Populist leader Marine Le Pen has echoed the sentiments of a letter written by active duty military personnel by warning President Macron that there’s a danger of “civil war” unless he solves the country’s Islamist problem.

Le Pen made the comments following the publication of the letter, which outlined how the soldiers had been “fighting Islamism” in dangerous countries abroad only for the French government to “(make) concessions on our soil.”

“If a civil war breaks out, the military will maintain order on its soil because it will be asked to do so,” stated the letter.

While much of the French establishment dismissed the letter as the work of a political faction of right-wing extremists within the military, Le Pen took the side of the dissenters.

The National Rally leader asserted that the letter offered a “clear” assessment of the identity crisis facing France and the Islamist problem.

“There is always the danger of civil war,” she added.

As we previously highlighted, Socialist politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s reaction was somewhat different. He vowed to “purge” the military of the individuals responsible for the letter.




As we previously highlighted, Socialist politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s reaction was somewhat different. He vowed to “purge” the military of the individuals responsible for the letter.

France is home to innumerable notorious ghettos where immigrant populations have concentrated themselves while refusing to integrate into French society.

Many of these areas are so dangerous that police, ambulance workers and firefighters are attacked if they venture into them.

Such ghettos have also been exploited by terrorists, including Salah Abdeslam, one of the Paris massacre jihadists, who hopped over the border to Brussels, Belgium and was able to hide out in the Islamic ghetto of Molenbeek for 4 months before being caught.

The problem is also exacerbated by far-left “anti-racist” activists who denigrate France’s national standing while greasing the skids for jihadists to enter Europe under the guise of “refugee” status.