Saturday, May 29, 2021

Joe Biden’s COVID-19 adviser says origins of virus is not the real issue


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 4:32 PM PT – Friday, May 28, 2021

Joe Biden’s coronavirus adviser has continued to downplay the investigation into the origins of COVID-19. During an interview on Thursday, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel explained that China is withholding information which may be relevant to the Wuhan lab leak theory.

Emanuel insisted the origins of the virus is not the real issue, despite Biden directing the U.S. Intelligence Agency to launch a probe into the matter. He went on to claim the main focus should be on how to protect ourselves from future pandemics.




“We need transparency and we do need the Chinese to participate because the real issue is not how did this happen,” said Emanuel. Instead, he claims the more important question to ask is how can we protect ourselves from a future pandemic? The doctor also suggested implementing an early warning system for the public.

Nonetheless, Biden has directed the Intel Agency to complete a probe into the root causes of the virus within 90 days.