Wednesday, May 26, 2021

GOP Lawmakers Demand Immediate Action From SecDef After Our Bombshell Bishop Garrison Report

A group of thirty Republican Congressmen led by Matt Rosendale of Montana are demanding action from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin after Revolver’recent reporting exposed the disturbing depths of woke ideology taking control of the highest echelons of the American military.

“The sole purpose of the United States Military is to protect American citizens, defend American national security interests, and to fight and win wars when necessary,” the Congressmen say in a letter exclusively provided to Revolver News. “We urge you to use your authority to take action to fight back against the creeping left-wing extremism in the U.S. military.”

The letter specifically cites Revolver‘s recent exclusive exposing Bishop Garrison, the newly-appointed Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense for Diversity and Inclusion. As Revolver first reported three weeks ago, Garrison runs a toxic, dangerous grift that claims “White Supremacy is a national security threat,” and that patriotic Americans must be purged from the military to combat this fake danger. The Congressional letter states:

Under the guise of reviewing “extremism” within the ranks of the Department of Defense, it appears that political actors such as Bishop Garrison, the head of the working group tasked with defining extremist views for the Department of Defense, have been given broad freedom to both catechize and root out servicemembers who will not affirm far-left doctrines. Your order for a “stand-down” to ideologically assess servicemembers appears to have been connected to these efforts.

The letter also highlights the case of Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, the Space Force commander recently interviewed by Revolver who was relieved of command for his book warning about the infiltration of Marxist ideology into the armed forces. Along with Lohmeier, it also mentions the botched elevation of Richard Torres-Estrada, who was slated to serve as Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer until patriots unearthed his social media posts comparing President Trump to Adolf Hitler.

Rep. Rosendale praised Revolver News for exposing Bishop Garrison to the nation, and offered Revolver a statement clarifying his intentions behind this important letter:

Today, in Joe Biden’s America, the military bureaucracy appears to be more focused on promoting left wing extremism and radicalism into their ranks than they are concerned with military preparedness. I’m proud to join my colleagues in trying to get answers to put a stop to it, especially after news organizations like Revolver broke this story.

Besides Rosendale, other prominent signatories of the letter’s include Paul Gosar of Arizona and Matt Gaetz of Florida.

“Left-wing extremism and anti-white racism have percolated from universities and schools, to government agencies, and now the military,” Rep. Gosar told Revolver in a statement. “People who love their country are being purged from government and our armed forces. Biden and Bishop Garrison are prioritizing bigotry and anti-white hatred over national security. It’s unacceptable and my constituents demand answers and accountability” said Rep. Gosar, who also recently introduced a bill to ban affirmative action in the military (along with the rest of the federal government).

Congressman Gaetz, meanwhile, warned that the toxins filling the military are merely the prelude to something worse.

“Americans must think about this wokeification of our military not as an end unto itself, but rather as a means to a more sinister end,” Rep. Gaetz told Revolver. “The Left wants to take control of the full national security apparatus and turn it against our people. This should alarm us all.”

Besides Rosendale, Gaetz, and Gosar, the full list of signatories includes Reps. Andy Biggs, Ronny Jackson, Bob Good, Diana Harshbarger, Ted Budd, Jeff Duncan, Jody Hice, Lauren Boebert, Brian Mast, Dan Bishop, Randy Weber, Alex Mooney, Ralph Norman, Brian Babin, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Andy Harris, Andrew Clyde, Russ Fulcher, Warren Davidson, Mary Miller, Ken Buck, Greg Steube, Chip Roy, Barry Moore, Louie Gohmert, Barry Loudermilk and Clay Higgins.

But every Republican in Congress ought to be on the letter. If the Republican Party has any reason to exist at all, it’s to insist that Marxism, anti-white racism, and other radical race ideologies be entirely eradicated from the senior levels of the U.S. government. Revolver encourages readers to find out if their lawmaker has signed the letter. If they did, contact their office with praise. If not, call to ask why they haven’t.

It is virtually certain that Secretary Austin will attempt ignore this letter. His video address to the military during its February stand-down makes it clear he is fully on-board with the political purge of the armed forces currently underway. We cannot allow him to get away with this. The correct posture toward the political weaponization of our armed forces must be one of Maximum Pressure. Without maximum, unrelenting pressure from patriots, from media, and from congress, the military will accelerate its purge of pro-American patriots. It will escalate the fomentation of hatred of white people and division and hostility view among the citizens of this very country. And most dangerous of all, the military will be further hollowed out until all that is left is a husk waiting to be crushed in the next serious war

Getting Republicans in Congress to speak up against what is happening is a victory. But it doesn’t win the war. And American patriots must continue to demand answers, demand accountability, and demand change until they once again have a military and a government worthy of this great country.