Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Excellent News, On Eve of Liz Cheney Ouster, 100 DeceptiCons Threaten to Create a Third Party

Today DeceptiCon leader Liz Cheney, the Mitt Romney of John McCain’s, is expected to be thrown out of Republican leadership by a closed-door conference vote.  Hopefully, this is the beginning of the purge so desperately needed to continue The Big Ugly.  The former professional republican party is one wing of a UniParty bird.  The MAGA movement is the future of the Republican party.

If the establishment DeceptiCons leave the party, and create a new party for rodents and rinos, there will be no need for a MAGA party to initiate.  At that point the state level RNC embeds will have an opportunity to leave their entrenched status and go into the DeceptiCon party.

That fracturing is much needed, and represents the necessary split we have talked about on these pages for the past decade.

Keep in mind President Donald J Trump received more votes than any previous president in U.S. history, including Barack Obama.  So any split of the Republican party only represents sunlight upon the false conservatives (the DeceptiCons) who have operated like a cancer in our body politic for decades.  President Trump is the sunlight that will cure this metastatic infection.

On the eve of the Cheney ouster, the childish DeceptiCon wing (like the pedophile Lincoln project crew) is thrashing wildly in their echo-chamber, pitching a hissy fit about the vulgarian horde who have finally stood up and said “enough of your bulls**t, get the hell out“:

New York Times – More than 100 Republicans, including some former elected officials, are preparing to release a letter this week threatening to form a third party if the Republican Party does not make certain changes, according to an organizer of the effort.

[…] “This is a first step,” said Miles Taylor, an organizer of the effort and a former Trump-era Department of Homeland Security official who anonymously wrote a book condemning the Trump administration. In October, Mr. Taylor acknowledged he was the author of both the book and a 2018 New York Times Op-Ed article.

“This is us saying that a group of more than 100 prominent Republicans think that the situation has gotten so dire with the Republican Party that it is now time to seriously consider whether an alternative might be the only option,” he said.

The list of people signing the statement includes former officials at both the state and national level who once were governors, members of Congress, ambassadors, cabinet secretaries, state legislators and Republican Party chairmen, Mr. Taylor said. (read more)

Positive debate on solutions and constructive criticism of approach is always appropriate for our elected officials; heck, that is the essence of our discussion. However, recently there have been many critics of President Trump; many people only just now understanding the problem and proclaiming that President Trump specifically did not do enough to block, impede, stop and counteract the globalist forces that were/are aligned against his effort to Make America Great Again.

Hindsight is 20/20, but there are people who proclaim that Donald J Trump should have been more wise in his counsel; more selective in his cabinet; more forceful in his confrontation of corporate globalists. Let me be clear….

I will never join that crew of Trump critics because I have understood his adversary for decades. CTH did not just come around to the understanding of the enemy.  CTH has been outlining the scope of the enemy, the scale of the specific war and the financial and economic power of the opposition for over a decade.  We understand the totality of the effort it will take to stop decades of willful blindness amid the American people.  We also see with clear eyes exactly what they are doing now, even with President Trump forcefully removed from office, to destroy the threat he still represents.

Donald J Trump was/is a walking red-pill; a “touchstone”: a visible, empirical test or criterion for determining the quality or genuineness of anything political. I have been deep enough into the network of the Deep State to understand the scale and scope of this enemy. To think that President Trump alone could carry the burden of correcting four decades of severe corruption of all things political, without simultaneously considering the scale of the financial opposition, is naive in the extreme.

POTUS Trump was disrupting the global order of things in order to protect and preserve the shrinking interests of the U.S. He was fighting, almost single-handed, at the threshold of the abyss. Our American interests, our MAGAnomic position, was/is essentially zero-sum. His DC and Wall-Street aligned opposition (writ large) needed to repel and retain the status-quo. They desperately wanted him removed so they could return to full economic control over the U.S, because it is the foundation of their power.

You want to criticize him for fighting harder against those interests than any single man has ever done before him? If so, do it without me.

I am thankful for the awakening Donald J Trump has provided.

I am thankful now for the opportunity to fight with great American people who finally understand the scale of our opposition.

Without Donald J Trump these DeceptiCon entities would still be operating in the shadows. With Donald J Trump we can clearly see who the real enemy is.

I will never relent in my support for anyone who fights this enemy.

I will align with and encourage anyone who joins this fight.

If you are looking for criticism against the only person I have ever witnessed who actually fought our correct enemy, look elsewhere.

I am thankful for President Trump.

CTH will never stop the fight….

…..”The only thing more dangerous than facing down a corrupt political system with unlimited resources – is the corrupt political system facing an awakened electorate who realize they have nothing to lose”…. ~Sundance