Sunday, May 30, 2021

Crime-Loving Liberals Keep Chasing Patriots Out of Military and Law Enforcement

President Trump with Naval Cadets

Article by Kevin Downey, Jr. in PJMedia

Crime-Loving Liberals Keep Chasing Patriots Out of Military and Law Enforcement

I have to wonder who is in charge when I see patriotic Americans purged from law enforcement and military service. Former Space Force Commander Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier was fired for speaking out against Marxism and the racism that is Critical Race Theory.

In an interview with Sean Hannity, Lohmeier, stated the secretary of the Department of Defense (DOD) called for an “extremism down day” and sent a guidance memorandum to all military service members in February.

“There were videos being sent out to every base, service member, that we were asked to watch in preparation for our extremism down days and discussions on race in which we were taught that the country was evil, that it was founded in 1619 and not 1776, and that whites are inherently evil,” Lohmeier explained to Hannity.

These videos were sent from the very top of the Biden administration. Lohmeier was soon fired for speaking out against the Critical race Theory being propagated by the DOD as well as Marxism. Isn’t Marxism a reason we HAVE a military?

Even pro-2nd Amendment cops are suddenly fair game. Alabama state rep. and captain with the Mobile County Sheriffs Department, Shane Stringer, was fired from his law enforcement post when he supported a bill regarding constitutional carry.

In regards to the firing of Stringer, Sheriff’s Department spokesperson, Lori Myles said, “Sheriff Sam Cochran made the decision Wednesday, May 12, because of different political views held by his administration,” to

Stringer sent a news release where he said he was, “proud to stand in defense of the Second Amendment gun rights of Alabamians despite being fired by Mobile Sheriff Sam Cochran for his position on the issue. The Second Amendment gun rights of Alabamians are under attack from a liberal federal government that is out of control and even from some factions right here at home.” Stringer continued, “After dedicating my life and career to law enforcement, losing a job because I stand in support of Alabama gun owners is certainly surprising, but nothing will discourage me from defending the constitutional guarantees promised to all of us as American citizens.”

Some cops cant even have secret opinions. Norfolk, VA police Lt. William Kelly was recently fired for making an anonymous $25 donation to Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense fund. He added a note that read,

“God bless. Thank you for your courage. Keep your head up. You’ve done nothing wrong.”

However, Norfolk’s Chief Boone doesn’t think his officers should have an opinion, nor the right to express it. Even anonymously.

“A police department cannot do its job when the public loses trust with those whose duty is to serve and protect them,” Chief Boone said in a statement announcing Kelly’s firing. “We do not want perceptions of any individual officer to undermine the relations between the Norfolk Police Department and the community.”

Never mind opinions, Cops can’t even be funny. Bellevue, ID Deputy Marshal Nate Silvester was fired for his viral Tik Tok video of him pretending to call Lebron James for help. Bellevue mayor Ned Burns claimed Silvester was fired, not for the video, but for repeated violations, though he did not specify what the violations were. Mr. Silvester has since been offered jobs in other municipalities.

So soldiers and cops can’t have a public opinion, a private opinion, a sense of humor or a desire to speak out against racism or Marxism. Yet more reasons to not join law enforcement or the military. Perhaps we need another weekend to remember the soldiers and police officers we’ve lost to political correctness.

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