Saturday, May 29, 2021

A $6 Trillion Budget?!

Biden proses a $6 Trillion budget because 
apparently he has a magic money tree.

Apparently a $28 Trillion Federal Debt just isn’t high enough for dopey old Joe Biden. Yesterday it was revealed that the old coot, who apparently thinks trillions grows on trees, is planning to present Congress with a $6 Trillion budget for next year.

Nothing says “I’m a moderate” like introducing a $6 Trillion budget, am I right?

This budget is so enormous total public debt would exceed the US economy.

In other words, there isn’t enough money in our entire economy to cover the cost of the national debt.

Sure, he plans to increase taxes by $3 Trillion over the next decade. But tell me, how will that pay for a $6 Trillion budget for one friggin’ year?

Even considering the increased taxes, this $6 Trillion budget would result an annual deficit of $1.8 Trillion.

I don’t what these assholes are smoking, but this kind of government spending is completely unrealistic and unsustainable.

Meanwhile, between rising consumer prices and increasing inflation, Americans are already taking it in the shorts.

Piling a $6 Trillion budget on our heads when we’re barely treading water will sink us.

China doesn’t have to destroy America. Their buddy Biden is doing it for them.

This Administration is run by lunatics or borderline retards. I can’t figure out which.

And you know what makes it worse? The fact that we can’t even count on the Republicans in Congress to act as a roadblock against this psychotic administration. Too many of them are willing to simply play along with this kind of crap – maybe tinker around the edges a bit, but not stop it entirely.

Funny thing is, we’re so used to Republicans being spineless pussies, today the Babylon Bee had a story with this headline that, if you didn’t know it was satire, you’d believe was true: “Republicans Counter $6 Trillion Budget Proposal With Fiscally Responsible $5.9 Trillion Budget Proposal.” You should read it; you won’t know whether to laugh or to cry.

Every single person who voted for Joe Biden can go straight to hell. But leave your wallets on the dresser before heading down.

A $6 Trillion Budget?!