Saturday, April 3, 2021

Petey Buttigieg’s Big Adventure (in Optics)

You’ve heard of dinner theater. Well, this is bicycle theater.

So Petey Buttigieg, Biden’s totally-qualified-because-he-likes-riding-trains Secretary of Transportation is making a big deal about riding his bike to work.

But …

“But what? Everyone I know has a big but. C’mon, Dianny. Let’s talk about your big but.”

[If you don’t know the movie, you won’t get that joke.]

But, Petey Buttigieg’s Big Biking Adventure is nothing but performative optics.

Take a look:


Petey and his bike get driven partway there.

As Jesse Kelly always says, “None of what you see is real.”

It’s all theater.

You’ve heard of dinner theater. Well, this is bicycle theater.

I don’t know why it tickles me to no end that Petey got caught in his bicycle optics fraud. But it does.

It’s a habit of mine to take pleasure in phonies getting exposed as phonies.

Like when Bill Clinton was yucking it up after Ron Brown’s funeral, then realizing he was on camera and pretended to wipe away a tear.

Remember that?

Rush loved that.

That clip still makes me howl. Boy, I miss you, Rush.

Phony and disingenuous pretty much sums up the Biden Administration too doesn’t it? Bill Clinton’s got nothing on this lot.

Clinton’s optics in that clip were reactionary, not planned.

But with Team Biden, the optics are carefully planned down to the last detail.

From the mask-wearing to the faux “we’re best friends” comradery between Joe and Kamala to “I’m saving the Planet by peddling” Petey Buttigieg – the whole lot of them are as phony as a three dollar bill.