Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Wray Is Asked About Brian Sicknick's Cause of Death, His Response Is Just Not Acceptable

FBI Director Christopher Wray appeared before Congress today to answer questions in regard to the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

But there was one big topic on which he refused to give a straight answer – the cause of death of Officer Brian Sicknick.

Wray when asked, refused to discuss it.

“There is an ongoing investigation into his death. I have to be careful at this stage, because it’s ongoing, not to get out in front of it,” Wray told the Senate committee when asked about Sicknick’s death.

“But you have determined the cause of death?” Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) inquired.

“I didn’t say that. We’re not at a point where we can disclose or confirm the cause of death,” Wray answered, despite the fact that during his testimony he had talked about other investigations. He refused to term the Sicknick case a homicide investigation.

Media from the beginning spread a false story about his death, claiming he was hit with a fire extinguisher that caused his death. I reported on Jan. 10 that there wasn’t evidence to support that claim at that point according to authorities and of course, it turned out there never was, because it didn’t happen. But most of the rest of media continued with that until well into February. Authorities later said he had no blunt trauma injuries and they found no evidence such an encounter ever occurred. Indeed, there was no evidence at that point that he had any encounter that would appear to be something that could have led to his death.

Indeed his family said they didn’t believe he’d been hit with a fire extinguisher and they believe that he may have died of a stroke based on what they were told by the hospital. But they want an official cause from the authorities to settle the matter. Now the question might be if anyone did anything in any interaction at the riot that might have ultimately precipitated the stroke.

Authorities then subsequently indicated they were potentially looking at a suspect in regard to the use of bear spray. However that becomes problematic to try to charge with murder since it’s unlikely even if that interaction happened (and it’s not clear it did), that it would obviously be hard to show anyone using bear spray intended to murder anyone.

But at this point, since Jan. 6, with all the false stories propagated around Sicknick’s death, we are owed the truth. It’s incomprehensible that at this point they can’t tell us at least the cause of death.

Wray’s answer is unsatisfactory. There is nothing in giving the cause of death that would impeded any investigation, they give the cause of death in cases all the time. And at this point almost two months later, they should have been able to determine, medically, the cause of death. The information from what the family said from the hospital indicated he had a stroke.

So one has to think there’s another reason the FBI doesn’t want to give it. Because perhaps “stroke” doesn’t help the agenda?

You still have folks like this MSNBC guy putting out statements unsupported by the evidence.

The family asked that Brian Sicknick’s death not be politicized. But it seems like it’s been nothing but politicized since he died.

HT: Twitchy