Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Cover-Up isn’t just Cuomo’s doing

There’s a reason the focus shifted to 
Cuomo the Sexual Harasser

I mentioned in my column yesterday that Cuomo isn’t getting “Nixoned” for killing fifteen thousand seniors. He’s getting “Nixoned” for two allegations of sexual harassment. Maybe it’s me but, when weighed in the balance, Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home scandal and subsequent cover-up is fifteen thousand times worse than inappropriate “joking” with female underlings.

Now, I realize in this day and age that sounds like I’m downplaying Cuomo behaving like a pig with his female employees.

I’m not.

It’s just that, of the two scandals, only one of them resulted in thousands of dead.

And yet, it is Cuomo’s piggish behavior that is making headlines.

It is his inappropriate “joking” with women staffers, not his deadly nursing home scandal and cover-up, that may result Cuomo leaving office in disgrace.

Something about that doesn’t sit right with me.

“That guy is responsible for sending thousands of seniors to their death then hiding the data to cover his ass!”

“Yeah, that is kinda bad. But did you hear how he treated women?!”

On what planet is being a pig a greater sin than being responsible for the death of thousands?

And why on earth would the media focus on the misdemeanor rather than the high crime?

Now, bear with me on this. Because I have a theory on why that is.

It might be a loony-tune theory. Who knows? Right now I’m not exactly at my best since yesterday I ate undercooked (read “Raw”) Italian sausage and I’m a wee bit unwell.

But here we go.

Could it be that the Nursing Home Scandal and Cover-Up is being covered up because the cover-up wasn’t just Cuomo’s doing?

Cuomo has to go, to be sure. As I said a couple weeks ago, the System could not abide the possibility that the wildly popular “LuvGuv” would challenge their chosen 2024 candidate. He must be neutralized. His reputation must be utterly destroyed in order to keep him out of the 2024 race.

Problem is, focusing on Cuomo’s COVID-related scandal and subsequent cover-up would inevitably result in collateral damage that goes well beyond Andrew Cuomo himself.

It is not a scandal that can be contained.

Fauci – the man we are all supposed to obey unquestioningly – praised Andrew Cuomo. There’s no way to protect Fauci’s reputation if this Nursing Home scandal is what destroys Cuomo’s political career.

Biden – the man who theoretically would “save” us from Trump’s “mismanagement” of COVID – considered Cuomo the “gold standard” in leadership. So Cuomo being destroyed by his mismanagement of COVID would be, let’s just say, awkward for old Joe.

The news media promoted and celebrated Cuomo for nearly a year – portraying him as a paragon of Leadership and a calming, empathetic “Truth Teller,” not to mention turning him into a matinee idol. The last thing the media needs is a scandal that implicates them as well.

You’ll notice the attention swerved away from the nursing home cover-up to “Cuomo the Pig” right after both Fauci and Jen Psircle got asked some awkward questions about previous praise for Governor Grandma Killer.

That’s not a coincidence; that’s damage control.

If the Nursing Home Scandal and Cover-Up take Cuomo down, the collateral damage might just do irreparable harm to Fauci, the Biden Administration, and the Democrat-controlled media.

And that won’t do.

Whatever takes Cuomo down has to be a limited air strike that does not run the risk of causing a chain reaction that extends beyond Cuomo himself.

“Cuomo is a pig who abused his position to sexually harass women staffers” won’t cause that kind of chain reaction. Instead, it contains the damage to Cuomo, and only Cuomo.

The media’s culpability in turning a blind eye to the nursing home scandal for nearly a year will not get the attention it should because all they’re yelling about is “Cuomo is a sexual harasser!!!”

Trust me on this one. That’s on purpose. Because the media were part of the cover-up.

The scandal surrounding Cuomo’s nursing home order wasn’t a new story. Hell, I wrote about it in April 2020. It didn’t break a month ago when NY AG Letitia James released her report.

Despite this, CNN, who turned this bombastic dick into the “single and ready to mingle” “LuvGuv,” pretended this was some totally unexpected, never-heard-of-before “breaking” story.

Cuomo isn’t alone on this hot seat you know.

The cover-up wasn’t just coming from inside the Governor’s mansion.

Cuomo was able to cover it up because he was given a helpful assist by a cynical media that needed an “Anti-Trump” superhero to be the Yin to Trump’s Yang.

And because Biden’s only hope for election victory hinged on the exploitation of COVID, his team glommed on to the Celebrity Cuomo narrative as well.

We learned last week that in an upcoming book about Biden’s election victory, Biden advisor Anita Dunn said the quiet part out loud and admitted that COVID was “the best thing that ever happened” to Biden.

Funny. I said something similar HERE.

The “Cuomo the Rock Star” narrative played a huge part in the Biden campaign’s exploitation of COVID. And focusing on “Cuomo the Grandma Killer” instead of “Cuomo the Pig” would blow back on Biden and the Democrat Party as a whole.

So the cover-up must be maintained.

Sure, the White House wants Cuomo out of the way before 2024. But they would much rather his political destruction come from something that doesn’t blow back on the entire Democrat Party and the media.

Focusing on “Cuomo the Pig” is a convenient way for Democrats and the media to continue covering up Cuomo’s deadly incompetence while also getting him out of the way.

This is why it bothers me that the only scandal getting airtime and attention is the sexual harassment.

Just as the media exploited Cuomo to damage Trump, they’re exploiting the sexual harassment accusations to damage Cuomo while simultaneously shielding themselves from their involvement in covering up the nursing home scandal.

It’s a self-serving cover-up of the cover-up.

And, boy, is that craven and cynical.

If none of this makes sense, blame it on the undercooked Italian sausage.