Friday, March 26, 2021

Secret Service Attempted to Cover For Hunter Biden Handgun Thrown in Trash Can

A very odd story unfolds.  According to recent media reporting Hunter Biden and Hallie Biden were involved in a domestic issue involving his handgun in late 2018.  Hallie Biden was Hunter’s former sister-in-law who began a romantic relationship with Hunter after the death of Hunter’s brother, Beau. According to reports the gun was thrown by Hallie Biden into a trash can behind a grocery store near a school, she returned later and the gun was gone.

It appears the gun was found by a local man who rummages through dumpsters for recyclables, also known commonly as “dumpster diving.”  Days later the man returned the gun to an unknown entity.  However, in the interim Secret Service agents went to the gun store where Hunter Biden purchased the firearm and asked the gun store owner, Ron Palmieri, for the purchasing paperwork.

Mr. Palmieri feared a cover-up of sorts for the lost gun was underway, and did not give the secret service agents the paperwork. Instead he later turned over the paperwork to the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (BATFE), who have federal jurisdiction over lost firearms.  “POLITICO obtained copies of the Firearms Transaction Record and a receipt for the gun dated Oct. 12, 2018.”

Curiously the Secret Service says they have no record of agents involved in contact with Palmieri asking for paperwork.  The incident remains a mystery and no charges were ever filed.

(Via Politico) […] Neither Hallie Biden nor George Mesires, a lawyer for Hunter Biden, responded to requests for comment.

The gun-store incident occurred during a period after Hunter Biden’s administrative discharge from the Naval Reserves for his positive cocaine test and his subsequent divorce from his first wife, Kathleen. At the time of the gun incident, Hunter was in a romantic relationship with Hallie, the widow of his latebrother, Beau.

The incident began when Hallie searched Hunter’s pickup, which was parked at her home in Wilmington, because of unspecified “suspicions she had,” according to the Delaware State Police report. Inside the truck, she found a .38 revolver.

Hallie took the gun to Janssen’s Market, a nearby high-end grocery store where the Bidens are longtime regular customers. There, she tossed the gun, wrapped in a black shopping bag, into a trash bin outside of the store.

Later that day, Hallie informed Hunter of what she had done, and he instructed her to retrieve the gun, according to the police report. When Hallie returned to the grocery store, she found that the gun was missing from the garbage bin and reported the issue to the store. Police received calls from the store’s general manager, Paula Janssen, and from another person, according to the report.

The missing gun caused heightened concern, according to the police report, because the grocery store sits across the street from Alexis I. du Pont High School. Arriving on the scene, Delaware State Police retrieved security camera footage from the store and interviewed Janssen, the store manager. “We complied with the police and gave them whatever security footage we could,” Janssen told POLITICO.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation also responded to the scene, according to people familiar with the situation. At the time, the FBI was monitoring Hunter Biden as part of an investigation that remains ongoing and that currently focuses on his taxes. The FBI declined to comment.

In addition to questioning Hallie, police called Hunter to the scene, where he was questioned outside the store’s loading dock area and explained he used the gun for target practice, according to the report.

At one point, two of Janssen’s employees, described by the police report as “Mexican males,” walked past the loading dock area, and Hunter told a police officer that the store had some suspicious people working for it. Asked if he was referring to those two staffers, Hunter responded, “Yea, prolly illegal,” according to the report.

When a police officer asked Hunter whether the gun had been used in a crime, the officer reported that Hunter “became very agitated with me and asked me if I was intentionally trying to make him mad,” according to the report.

When the officer asked Hunter whether he had been doing drugs or drinking heavily, he responded, “Listen, it isn’t like that. I think she believes I was gonna kill myself,” according to the report.

An officer asked Hunter whether he had called his father about the incident before he arrived. Hunter responded, “I have never called my dad for anything,” according to the police report.

After being questioned, Hunter retrieved the case for the gun — which included the gun’s serial number — from Hallie’s house and returned to the grocery store to hand it over to police, according to the report.

While police questioned Hunter and Hallie, two Secret Service agents arrived at the store where Hunter had purchased the gun, StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply in Wilmington, according to the two people familiar with the incident. The agents showed their badges and identification cards to Palmieri, the store’s owner, and asked to take possession of the Firearms Transaction Record that Hunter had filled out to buy the gun earlier that month, according to the people familiar with the incident.  (read more)

Suspicious cats remain suspicious….