Friday, March 26, 2021

Megan Rapinoe: Privileged Victim

The living embodiment of “First World problems.”

Megan Rapinoe: Privileged Victim

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

US Women’s Soccer star Megan Rapinoe sure gets around doesn’t she? She hobnobs with Hollywood celebrities. She’s a frequent guest on cable news and talk shows.

She’s a regular celebrity gadfly.

And she is oppressed.

Yes, my friends, Megan Rapinoe is oppressed. Dismissed, disrespected, and devalued. Nobody knows the troubles she’s seen.

And as oppressed, disrespected and dismissed woman often do, yesterday Megan Rapinoe was given the opportunity to address the nation on live television from the White House.

“I’ve been devalued. I’ve been disrespected and dismissed because I am a woman,” said privileged victim and celebrity gadfly Megan. “I’ve been told that I don’t deserve any more than less because I am a woman. Despite all the wins, I’m still paid less than men who do the same job that I do.”

Wait. There are men on the US Women’s Soccer team?

Megan Rapinoe should name the man on the US Women’s Soccer team that is paid more than she is. Call him out! This kind of injustice cannot stand!!

Wait. No. There are no men on the US Women’s Soccer team.

Megan Rapinoe is comparing apples to oranges … or clams to ping pongs if you will.

Call me crazy, but I’m not sure having a wealthy, famous celebrity gadfly whine about being a victim is a particularly good look for an administration keeping kids in cages.

Then again, maybe Megan Rapinoe woke up yesterday thinking she was Meghan Markle.

Hey, it could happen. I mean they both have the same first name.

Megan is one of the few in this country to achieve stratospheric fame – much of it largely due to her glomming onto to the Trump hating ResistanceLOL. She is considered one of the best female athletes in the country and has received countless awards and honors.

And still she whines about what a hard-knock life she has.

Megan Rapinoe is the living embodiment of “First World problems.”

As Jesse Kelly put it on Twitter after watching celebrity gadfly Megan kvetch and complain from the White House:

American women living in this era have it better than any women in the history of the world. Every grievance group is a group luxuriating in riches while thinking themselves poor.

We have a gratitude crisis. A patriotism crisis. Bunch of spoiled brats.

If you’re an American, you are blessed beyond measure. If you don’t realize that, it’s because you had bad parents. Or maybe you’ve never seen the rest of the world. Or cracked a history book.

You are the luckiest person in the world to be an American.

If you are a paralegal at a law firm and discover that paralegals at a larger, more lucrative law firm get paid more than you do, I suppose you could go the Megan Rapinoe route and demand that your law firm pay you the same as the larger, more lucrative firm. Or you could apply for a job at the larger, more lucrative firm and see for yourself if you measure up.

If Megan Rapinoe doesn’t like the pay in her current job, she can do what every non-whiny person does: look for a better paying job.

But she won’t do that for two reasons.

First, whining about how dismissed and disrespected she is has become a lucrative side-gig for Megan. Do you think if she just played soccer and lived her privileged life without a complaint she’d be the household name she is today? Do you think she’d be a guest on late night talk shows or on MSNBC if she just kept her nose the grindstone and did her job? Do you think she’d still be invited to Hollywood awards show after-parties? Or the friggin’ White House?!

Not on the likely.

Victimhood is the new top of the totem pole. It’s the status symbol that leaves all other status symbols in the dust. And though she is a whiny crybaby, Megan has enough sense to know that exploiting her privileged victimhood will elevate her far faster and much further than she would ever get just playing soccer.

Men and women getting the same pay scale for the same job has been the law of the land for nearly sixty years. If Megan wants to get paid the same as a player on the US Men’s Soccer team, she can try out for the US Men’s Soccer team.

Which leads me to the second reason she won’t be taking that route:

Rubin Megan Rapinoe tweet