Monday, March 1, 2021

Is this worse than Watergate?

Compared to Cuomo, Richard Nixon was 
as pure as the wind-driven snow.

It will never cease to amaze me that Richard Nixon got drummed out of office for something as penny ante as the Watergate break-in.

For all the howling of “This is worse than Watergate,” the fact is, pretty much everything is worse than Watergate because Watergate wasn’t exactly the crime of the century.

That’s like saying to someone who just got a cancer diagnosis, “Good lord! Cancer?! That’s worse than the common cold!!!”

Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.

Not only did Watergate sink Nixon’s presidency, his entire time in office is now defined entirely by Watergate.

Personally, I think Nixon should’ve been drummed out of office for creating the EPA. But that’s me.

There are a lot of things that are worse than Watergate.

Take Andrew Cuomo.


Bob Woodward and John Dean never passed up an opportunity to tell us how everything Trump did was “worse than Watergate.” When will they opine on New York Nixon?

I mean if Trump’s Ukraine phone call was “worse than Watergate,” isn’t it fair to say Andrew Cuomo ordering fifteen thousand seniors to their death is worse than Watergate too?

Compared to Andrew Cuomo, Richard Nixon is as pure as the wind-driven snow.

Cuomo is actually the monster the media and historians claim Richard Nixon was.

Hell, I’d settle for “Cuomo is worse than Nixon.” But I doubt either John Dean or Bob Woodward would even go that far.

This morning, just for fun, I went back and read every column I’ve written about New York Nixon. In addition to being a sanctimonious, virtue-signaling phony, Cuomo is as corrupt as a Chicago mayor, as thuggish as a mafia hood, and as sleazy as a Hollywood producer.

As an aside: You too can read every column I’ve written about Andrew Cuomo. Just click HERE.


Fact is, Richard Nixon’s so-called “crime” pales in comparison to the actions of America’s worst governor.

You know what’s more corrupt than firing the special prosecutor investigating Watergate?

Appointing the person charged with investigating your own crimes, that’s what.

And that’s exactly what Andrew Cuomo just did.

Faced with two accusations of sexual harassment, Cuomo has selected a crony judge to conduct an “outside review” of the accusations. The judge, Barbara Jones, was once a law partner in a firm where one of Cuomo’s closest advisors also worked.

Imagine the hue and cry if President Trump overruled Rosenstein and instead of selecting Robert Mueller for that stupid RussiaGate thing (that was worse than Watergate!!!), he appointed Rudy Giuliani.

Cuomo’s “outside review” by a Cuomo insider is, dare I say it, worse than Watergate.

What astonishes me over all of this is Cuomo isn’t being “Nixoned” for killing fifteen thousand senior citizens then covering it up.


Instead, he’s being “Nixoned” over two allegations of sexual harassment.

Yeah. Exactly what I was thinking.

It’s like taking down that murderous gangster Capone for tax evasion.

Though, to be fair, tax evasion is worse than Watergate.