Saturday, March 27, 2021

Biden Gas Price Increases & New Mileage Tax Will Cost Middle Class Twice as Much as COVID Stimulus Checks Were

This is a specific example that needs to be drilled down quickly so that people with only a cursory interest in politics can understand how it impacts them.  Biden’s $1400 stimulus checks are useless, literally wiped-out, when compared with the increase in gasoline prices already in place as part of the Biden energy policy.

Gas prices have already jumped $1/gal in most areas as a result of Biden killing the oil production energy sector.  Factor in the increased transportation costs for goods and services, including the costs associated with deliveries of home meals, Uber rides, products delivered, airline charges; and the gas price increase hits the family checkbook far beyond the $1400 provided for stimulus.

Add to that charge and the increases in electricity prices, together with the increase in product costs that are based on petroleum (rubber, plastics, containers etc), and you can see how the increased cost of Biden’s ridiculous energy policy hits families even harder.  But wait…. it gets worse…. If that were already not enough of a problem, Biden is now proposing a mileage tax on top of a gasoline tax increase that will hit the middle class much harder. [SEE Video at 01:30]

The middle-class commutes to work much more than all other sectors.  Any increase in gas prices, gasoline taxes or mileage taxes hits the blue-collar worker at a disproportionate rate.  A proposal to install a mileage tax does nothing but add another cost onto the American middle-class.

This is an issue of leftist policy, as the far-left now move to push their climate change agenda and simultaneously push federal infrastructure spending.  Of course, in order to keep advancing their severe leftist agenda, the democrats have to pretend not to know things.

(Via The Hill) […] Biden said during his first solo press conference on Thursday that he will announce the $3 trillion proposal on Friday in Pittsburgh.

The next day, his Transportation head said a mileage tax could be one way to help pay for the plan.

“I think that shows a lot of promise,” Buttigieg said. “If we believe in that so-called user-pays principle, the idea that part of how we pay for roads is you pay based on how much you drive.”

“The gas tax used to be the obvious way to do it; it’s not anymore,” he continued. “So, a so-called vehicle miles traveled tax or a mileage tax, whatever you want to call it, could be the way to do it.”  (read more)