Monday, February 22, 2021

Why media coverage of Biden is nothing like Trump’s… nor Obama’s

It's obvious mainstream media is covering Joe Biden very differently from the way they covered Donald Trump, but it's a bit surprising they're not covering him like they did Barack Obama.

We all remember very clearly the way mainstream media covered Donald Trump. From the moment he had officially won the Republican nomination for president in 2016 until today, the “unbiased” press treated him like the spawn of Satan. It was all Trump-hate, 24/7, with nary a mention of the tremendous good that he brought to America and the world.

What some may not remember is that the same press treated Barack Obama like he was a messiah. As he carried this nation down slippery slope after slippery slope in his quest for national failure, mainstream media pretended those slopes were tantamount to him walking on water. It was a disgusting display of partisanship unlike anything we’d seen from American media as they became Obama’s Pravda.

Many of us—and I’m included in this group—expected the same “thrill going up my leg” coverage of Joe Biden that Obama received. Thus far, that has been far from the case. It isn’t for lack of action as Biden has already done more of the radical progressives’ bidding in his first month in office than Obama did in his first three. One would think the press would be clamoring over him as he rolls out hyper-radical executive order after hyper-radical executive order. They’re not. Instead, they’re basically ignoring him.

After reflection and consultation with some insiders who were just as baffled, I came to a realization about why this is, and it’s worrisome. The obvious answer is that Biden simply doesn’t lead the same cult of personality that Obama (and if we’re being honest, Trump as well) ignited in the nation. Biden isn’t as interesting as his predecessors and therefore doesn’t demand the same level of coverage. That obvious answer fell short when I dug deeper with my insider friends. The press is wont to follow policies regardless of how milquetoast the source of the policies are.

No, the real reason is much more troubling. They aren’t covering Biden or his policies because they’re being instructed to keep it all off the public’s radar by their handlers. Go ahead and put on your tinfoil hats if you’d like to at this point, but it’s as crystal clear to me now as anything I’ve written about in weeks. Whoever is pulling the various strings of their mainstream media puppets, they do not want the public to know the direction the Biden administration is taking the nation.

Joe Biden is not a leader. He’s a tool for the powers and principalities to quietly usher in their nefarious plans. Whether it’s the Chinese Communist Party, the United Nations, George Soros, Bill Gates, the New World Order, the Deep State, or a combination of all-of-the-above, they groomed Biden’s entire candidacy and force-fed him to the American people through the most massive voter fraud the nation, and possibly the world, has ever seen.

There’s a reason their initial attacks were against Bernie Sanders. For all of his shortcomings, he’s still an ideologue who is more beholden to his skewed principles than to the master plan of the forces of evil. His ideology and their plans are often aligned, but not always. He could not be controlled as easily as Biden. But Sanders brought another problem to the table that kept him from being their ideal vessel to usher in their machinations. He makes headlines nearly as naturally as Trump or Obama did. They don’t want headlines. They want their plans to be buried by bored reporters who are too lazy to dig deeper. Since covering Biden is about as interesting as reading a phone book, he was the hand-picked choice of the forces of evil to deliver the nation to them while we pay more attention to literally anything else.

Sleepy Joe Biden is the perfect vessel through which The Great Reset and the other plans of the globalist elites can be brought to America unnoticed. His plan to “build back better” is not and never has been his plan at all. He’s a pawn, and that should terrify us all.

Before 2020, conspiracy theories weren’t really my thing. But if we learned anything over the last year, it’s that many of the craziest ideas about how things are run in this world are more real than the “facts” we’re forced to accept.