Friday, February 5, 2021

What Jerry Nadler Thought Was 'Unnecessary' Before the Start of a Hearing


Article by Matt Vespa in Townhall

What Jerry Nadler Thought Was 'Unnecessary' Before the Start of a Hearing 

 It's a simple task. It’s a patriotic gesture. I recited it every day in school. It’s something that should be universally agreed upon and not viewed as a waste of time. Well, for Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), he thought so. The Pledge of Allegiance is apparently not worth the House Judiciary Committee's. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) suggested this should be recited to kick off House hearings. The Florida Republican offered this as a suggestion at a moment to show unity and national pride (via Daily Caller):



“I want to extend a welcome to the new committee members. I’m grateful to be back on this august committee and I understand and appreciate the significance and importance of the work that we do. And I just think it would be nice in the spirit of national unity and national pride which I know we all aspire to do to a greater extent than at the beginning of each meeting the chair, or one of the designees of the chair, would have the opportunity to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance,” Gaetz said.

“We’re all aware that in these times it’s important for the country to see members of congress working together on some things and while I know we can deal with divisive issues in the committee, uh, it would be my hope we could start every committee with a great unifying, patriotic moment. I yield back,” Gaetz concluded.

Nadler responded by saying: “And the gentleman yields back. I recognize myself to speak in opposition to the amendment. It’s unnecessary.”

We shouldn’t be shocked that Nadler is opposed to any outward displays or demonstrations of patriotism. The Democratic Party hates this stuff. Their base hates this stuff, viewing it as some appendage of white nationalism, racism, or any ‘ism’ that would satisfy their pseudointellectual analysis or historically illiterate tirade. The Democrats right now are not interested in unity, despite pleas from the leader of their party. They’re interested in political vengeance and will stop at nothing until that blood lust is sated. This impeachment trial against a now-former president is a prime example of the lengths to which they’ll go. Even after he’s gone, the Left is Trump-deranged, though it’s a bit entertaining to see yet again how he lives rent-free in their heads. 

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