Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Fall of Pricarus

When this prick of an Icarus falls to earth, 
there will be no soft landing.

I’ve done ‘shop images before featuring the Fall of Icarus – for Obama, and even for that silly boy in a pompadour David Hogg. But really, there has never been a public figure more fitting for the Icarus treatment than that gigantic prick Andrew Cuomo. Though, in his case, it’s really the Fall of Pricarus.

There is no doubt Cuomo’s rise into the stratosphere was built on shoddy wings.

This is the problem with building up a man who, left to his own devices, would never rise so high.

Cuomo, that prick of an Icarus, believed he was soaring into the heavens, not on wings of the media’s making, but on his own natural abilities.

He was wrong.

I once said of Hillary Clinton, never believe your own propaganda. Never believe the media narrative about you.

It’s a rookie mistake.

And this was the very mistake Pricarus made.

He should’ve known that the media chose him for no other reason than to have a Yin to Trump’s Yang – an Anti-Trump whom they would send soaring into the clouds on winds made from their own BS hot air.

When the sins of Pricarus grew too enormous to ignore, the hot air that kept him aloft for nearly a year grew cold.

And Pricarus is falling.

Sure, he’s still flapping his arms in frantic desperation trying to maintain altitude.

But it ain’t working, folks.

It won’t be long before Pricarus crashes to the ground – an ignominious end to the man who thought he could fly.

According to Fox News, former US attorney John B. Daukas explained in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that the nursing home debacle and cover-up aren’t just negligent, “but intentional and perhaps criminal.”

“Even if it cannot be proved that the Cuomo administration knowingly provided false information to Justice and the (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), New York’s willful failure to provide information may itself constitute a criminal offense—particularly if the intent was to thwart a federal investigation—which, after all, is exactly what Ms. DeRosa reportedly said the administration did,” Daukas wrote.

Pricarus is in trouble.

The higher you fly, the harder the fall.

And when this prick of an Icarus falls to earth, there will be no soft landing.

The Biden Administration is quietly distancing itself from Pricarus Cuomo. Despite Joe Biden dubbing the corrupt, bungling tyrant “the gold standard on leadership during this pandemic,” yesterday Press Secretary Jen Psircle dodged and weaved to avoid discussing what the Biden White House thinks of him now.

You can hardly blame them for running for cover as the vainglorious Picarus plummets. From that height, even something as small as a nipple ring could knock you out cold.

Even brother Chris can’t help Andrew now. CNN reinstituted the ban on Chris interviewing his own brother. So there will be no lighthearted banter to slow his fall – no oversized Q-Tips to cushion his landing.

Like movie extras fleeing for their lives at an approaching meteor, everyone is scrambling to safety while Pricarus falls.

The Fall of Pricarus