Friday, February 26, 2021

Someone From the Biden Administration Bombed Syria – White House Silent

As of approximately 8 hours after the bombing of Syria, there is no statement from the White House on their official website [SEE HERE] or from the JoeBama spokespeople.

The cognitively disconnected pretend president is being cited for authorizing the bombing.

However, there’s just as much reason to believe he thought he was ordering more jello pudding before nap-time.

The preferred narrative term “Iran-backed” is also so disengenous it is quite silly.


WASHINGTON – The US on Thursday launched an airstrike in Syria that targeted facilities used by Iran-backed militia groups — the first military action taken by the Biden administration, officials said.

The Pentagon said the strike was in retaliation for a Feb. 15 rocket attack against a US military base at Erbil International Airport in Northern Iraq that killed a US-led coalition contractor and left others wounded, including an American service member.

“I’m confident in the target that we went after, we know what we hit,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters after the airstrike.

“We’re confident that that target was being used by the same Shia militants that conducted the [Feb. 15] strikes,” he said.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said the attack “destroyed multiple facilities at a border control point used by a number of Iranian- backed militant groups.”

The groups included Kataib Hezbollah and Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada, according to Kirby.

Kirby called the retaliation a “proportionate military response.” (read more)

….And that was the problem for the Pentagon.  President Trump was undoing the industrial war machine; and there are trillions at stake on that policy issue alone.  Now the war machinery is back to operating without civilian oversight and paying the politicians to just shut up and sit down.

It will be interesting to see how the JoeBama administration handles the questions tomorrow about the bombing of a sovereign Syria; considering their prior 2017 position below: