Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Shovel Girl: “I didn’t say that thing I said!”

Put down the shovel girl.

Shovel Girl-05

Apparently being a Congresswoman is a shovel-ready job. Because old Shovel Girl Ocasio-Cortez is once again hard at work digging herself deeper and deeper into a hole.

Less than two weeks ago, Shovel Girl tweeted this astonishing accusation against Senator Ted Cruz.

Shovel Girl Murder Tweet

Note what she expressly says, “you almost had me murdered 3 weeks ago.”

You. Almost. Had. Me. Murdered.

As I said last week, she got some blowback for making this slanderous accusation. And rather than apologize, Shovel Girl did what she does best: she started digging.

You see, we can’t call her out for her inflammatory rhetoric because she was sexually assaulted at some point in the past by someone she doesn’t identify.

Her Trauma trumps the Truth, don’t you know.

And when people did a little digging of their own and discovered that AOC wasn’t even in the Capitol building, but was in the Cannon office building (which not one rioter breached), rather than put the shovel down, she just kept digging.

She sent an email to her followers and supporters demanding they report anyone who used the hashtags #AOCLied or #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett.

1. Scan your social media to find posts with this misleading information, especially those using the trending hashtag. Don’t tweet any hashtags yourself, because we don’t want to spread them further!

2. Identify any posts that are threatening or harassing and use the built-in tools for reporting posts and tweets that break the rules.

Dig, dig, dig, dig.

Honestly, put down the shovel girl.

After Congresswoman Nancy Mace, who also has an office in Cannon, called out the press for not bothering to fact check her claims before amplifying them, Shovel Girl attacked Mace.

How ironic that AOC argued that we cannot question her “lived experience” or “trauma” because at some point in her past she was a victim of sexual assault. Yet Shovel Girl had no qualms attacking Nancy Mace — who, by the way, was a victim of sexual assault.

Rules are for me, not for thee, right Shovel Girl?

But this useless fool has so much power in the Democrat House that Nancy Pelosi gave her a televised struggle session to dig even deeper.

And yesterday, Alexandria hit bottom.

When directly asked about her heinous accusation against Ted Cruz (“you almost had me murdered”), AOC denied she ever said it.

Yeah. Really.

Look at all that snow. Maybe Shovel Girl could have done some useful digging for a change and helped clear the street.

This is how brazen this chick is.

Does she think we’re illiterate?

Does she think we’re blind? For crying out loud we can see the tweet in which she literally wrote “you almost had me murdered.”

And yet this scummy little liar just pretends she never said it.

Let me summarize this whole embarrassing tale: Alexandria lied for attention, got caught in the lie, and rather than simply apologize (or at the very least shut the hell up), decided to keep digging.

This calls for an update of my Alexandria Digging Series:

Shovel Girl-01
Shovel Girl-02
Shovel Girl-03
Shovel Girl-04
Shovel Girl-05