Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Panem Is Very Afraid and No One Knows Why

Today, a month after Joe Biden was declared to be our president, there are federal troops in Washington, DC. They were originally sent there to provide security during the sparsely attended Biden installation ceremony because those fearless defenders of freedom and eavesdroppers upon GOP presidential candidates named (at least) Trump, the FBI, claimed, without evidence, that there would be protesters in DC and around the nation, see The FBI Claims Armed Protesters Will ‘Storm’ State Capitols on Inauguration Day; Don’t Get Drawn Into This Nonsense.

There aren’t just a few federal troops in DC. More troops were sent to DC for the installation of Joe Biden as dunderhead-in-chief than were sent to Baghdad during The Surge. Over 21,000 troops were sent to DC for the event, and more than 6,200 of them remain. During The Surge, the climax of the part of the Iraq War where we were at least pretending to care about imposing our will upon the enemy, two brigades of the 82d Airborne, about 6,800 troops, were sent to Baghdad. Think about that for just a moment.

No one is exactly sure why they are there, and the FBI is not talking.

The White House is surrounded by an impressive new fence, itself more reminiscent of something you’d see protecting a Third World kleptocrat than what is appropriate for the capital city of the world’s leading representative democracy.

In January, after the impeachment vote, it was claimed, without evidence, that Trump supporters would demonstrate as the impeachment trial began, and you KNOW what that means. Today was about like any other February day in DC, the only difference being the number of people wearing masks and brown trousers out of fear of the China virus.

This commentary by Mollie Hemingway really says it all:

It’s a prop with a very nefarious end in mind.

How horrifying it is for many people in the country to see their capital surrounded by troops while the previous president is paraded in front of cameras for a show trial.

This is something that you think of as banana republic or Third World country stuff. If it was happening in Russia, you’d say that the regime is very seriously threatened.

And it’s not that this is happening in response to just a few very bad hours on one day but no subsequent threat, but it is done after a ‘summer of rage’ where cities nationwide were besieged. Where churches were set on fire. Where federal buildings were attacked. Where businesses were looted and ransacked. Where dozens of people died. Where thousands of police were injured. And when Senator Tom Cotton suggested that maybe the National Guard could be brought out, it caused a complete meltdown on the left. They actually fired their editor at the New York Times because they ran that op-ed.

And this is just…it’s crazy-making to see what they are willing to do unnecessarily in this situation what they weren’t willing to do protect average Americans. It’s all in an effort to deplatform and get rid of political opposition. That’s what impeachment, censorship in Big Tech, these types of military uses, the politicization of the military…again, it’s a very serious threat to the Republic.

It’s good that at least some Republicans are standing up and saying, asking questions about it but much more needs to be done.

These measures are not necessary, and they are profoundly un-American. The presence of armed troops in the nation’s capital, the perpetual announcement of threats that never materialize, fences, walls, and security checkpoints are not the outward signs of a regime that feels particularly secure or is focused on the “general Welfare.” They conjure up images of a White House staff living furtively out of suitcases, afraid to unpack, with a convoy of armored vehicles standing by to race them to Joint Base Andrews and a flight into exile. They call to mind scenes from The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 (yes, yes, I saw all of them, I have two daughters) when the invincible capital of Panem is beset by enemies and there are heavily armed Peacekeepers on every corner.

Why, we have a right to ask, is the Biden regime acting this way? No one is attacking them. No opposing army has blockaded Washington. They control the Congress and the Executive Branch of government is stocked with its partisans. There are, contrary to FBI wet dreams, no militias contending with the federal authorities to control the hinterlands. Do they think acting terrified of the citizenry makes them look strong? Or do they think we are intimidated by this half-assed show of force? Someone needs to start asking questions. Fast.