Friday, February 26, 2021

Mitch McConnell Says He Would “absolutely” Support President Trump Again If....

DeceptiCon On Display – Mitch McConnell Says 

He Would “absolutely” Support President Trump Again If 

He Secured The Republican Nomination in 2024

Mitch McConnell is doing what Mitch McConnell does.  DeceptiCons are famous for intentionally loading the cannons of the opposite wing of the UniParty so the Democrats can blast the base of the Republican movement.

Once they have provided the ammunition and watched the attack unfold, the DeceptiCons enter from the side of the collateral damage and talk sympathetically about the destruction they now observe.  The DeceptiCon team, represented by leader Mitch McConnell, has been doing this for years.  Just like his attacks against the Tea Party, ‘We The People‘ are his favorite victims.  This is the baseline for battered conservative syndrome.

In true form, after providing the progressive and hate-filled left wing of the UniParty with ammunition against President Trump, Mitch McConnell says today that he would support the former president in 2024 if Donald Trump was the nominee.


(Via AP) […] The Kentucky Republican told Fox News that there’s still “a lot to happen between now” and the next presidential election.

“I’ve got at least four members that I think are planning on running for president, plus governors and others,” McConnell said. “There’s no incumbent. Should be a wide open race.”

But when directly asked if he would support Trump again were he to win the nomination, McConnell responded: “The nominee of the party? Absolutely.” (read more)

The entire interview is below.  The key segment begins at 10:00 -