Saturday, February 27, 2021

Make Airstrikes Great Again

Make Airstrikes Great Again

Day before yesterday somebody in the Biden Administration ordered airstrikes on Syria.

Who ordered it exactly?

Who the hell knows?

A few days before the fact, OAN’s Jack Posobiec gave everyone a head’s up about the White House’s obsession with Syria.

Whoever Jack’s sources might be, they know their stuff.

And that night Posobiec reported that Kamala Harris was left out of the loop:

Kamala must be livid that she was left out of the loop on these airstrikes. According to Politico, she wants a bigger role in Foreign Policy. Which is funny considering she doesn’t know squat about foreign policy – something even Politico admits.

I guess they want to make On the Job Training great again too. Ironic, since Biden kept telling us he chose a VP who would be ready on Day One to take over.

Just another “Day One” promise he failed to keep, I guess.

When I tell you that both Biden and Kamala are figureheads, this is what I mean. The decisions aren’t being made by them. And apparently that even includes the decision to launch airstrikes against another country.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Interagency Consensus is back in charge. And those guys want to make airstrikes great again.

Which certainly isn’t how either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris felt when it was the Trump Administration ordering airstrikes.

Well, first I think someone should let Joe know the people in charge of his administration ordered Thursday’s airstrikes. Then they can remind him of what he prattled on about during the campaign.

After the establishment’s airstrikes on Syria, do you think any sitting Democrat Senators will be making those demands of her?

I doubt it.

Even Jen Psircle will need to circle back:

But of course all the folks who shrieked like wounded poodles over airstrikes during the Trump years are doing an about-face on the airstrikes ordered yesterday.

Including that idiot David French:

David French on airstrikes

From “unconstitutional and imprudent” to “Good.” What a maroon. Rather than admit his own mistake in supporting Biden over Trump, David, like any good NeverTrumper, is more than happy to simply change his tune.

It’s as if someone ordered airstrikes on David French’s integrity and reputation back in 2016. And they ain’t coming back.

Not two months in office and Joe Biden’s presidency is a miserable disappointment for all the people who gullibly believed his promises.

Now you know why there’s a Biden Voters Posting the L’s Online Twitter account. Which, by the way, has been very busy these last several weeks.

So suck it up, buttercups.

This is what you voted for.

Might as well stop worrying and make airstrikes great again!