Monday, February 22, 2021

Joe is a racist

The proof is out there … if you know how to get online.

I really don’t know how many more unbelievably racist statements Joe Biden has to make before people finally realize that old Joe is a racist.

Sure, his script writers provide Joe with all the right buzzwords to parrot in his prepared speeches.

But when he is free of the teleprompter, the mask slips and we get a peek into the real Joe Biden.

And the real Joe is a racist.

This might explain why Joe does very few press gaggles – and the ones he does do are obsessively controlled by his comms team.

It isn’t just the run-of-the-mill gaffes that give his team sleepless nights.

It’s the fact that, left to his own devices, the old booby invariably says something mind-bogglingly racist.

We knew this before the election.

I mean the proof is out there … if you know how to get online.

During the campaign, he told one black radio host that if you can’t decide whether to vote for Trump or for him, then “you ain’t black.” Not surprising since Joe asserted during the campaign that, unlike blacks, Latinos are more diverse.

And remember when, after a black news anchor asked old Joe if he’d taken a cognitive test, he belligerently asked the man if he was a junkie?

Clearly in that fetid stew Joe Biden calls a brain, black people are monolithic, like-minded drug addicts.

And this past week, we learned that not only does Joe believe blacks all think alike and shoot up, but they’re also so backward and childlike, they don’t know how to get online.

Naturally, white members of the ResistanceLOL – angry that people were pointing out that Joe is a racist — argued that Biden was talking about the elderly. And many of the elderly don’t know how to use the interwebz thingy.

[Not you, Dad. You know how to get online.]

Well, if that’s the case, then why not say “the elderly?” Why single out blacks and Hispanics?

Because Joe is a racist that’s why.

I admit, I’m enjoying the hell out of people lampooning Joe’s ignorant racism.

Trust me on this one. Joe is going to say a lot more racist crap before he leaves office – even if he’s gone by Tuesday.

Partly because Joe is a racist and racists say racist things.

But mostly because the people in charge of his administration are hyper-focused on critical race theory and so-called “equity.”

“Equity” is reparations by another name. It’s the shiny, happy way of saying “unequal treatment under the law.”

“Equity” is being pushed in every single department of the Biden Administration – including Transportation, Education, Health and Human Services, the Department of Agriculture, you name it.

Joe can’t avoid making everything about race because that’s what the Biden Administration is spoon-feeding him.

The problem is, when you’re spooning critical race theory into the soupy mind of a racist, what dribbles out of his mouth is going to be, well, racist.

Sure Joe can speak administration-approved critical race theory when the words are pre-written and loaded into a teleprompter. But Joe unplugged is another story.

It’s almost as if critical race theory is so inherently racist that it triggers Joe’s deep-seated racism toward minorities.

[“Almost as if” = “totally is”]

I’ve no doubt the talking point Joe was struggling to regurgitate here was something along these lines:

“We need to get the word out about getting vaccinated. White communities have enough resources and don’t need our help. But for the sake of equity and righting the wrongs of our systemically racist country, we must prioritize funding to target minority and under-served communities.”

But without a teleprompter, those talking points got lost on their way to Joe’s mouth, and what came out was: many people in the Hispanic and the African American community don’t know how to get online.

Joe can’t help it.

Because Joe is a racist.

And a racist regurgitating critical race theory will inevitably let his racist flag fly.

He might call himself “progressive,” but in reality, Joe’s sensibilities are straight out of Gone with the Wind.

Joe is a racist: Rhett Biden

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to learn that Biden really does believe blacks don’t have the intellectual capacity to get online.

Though, I’m sure he’d dispute that. In fact, I bet Joe would argue that “poor kids are just as smart and just as talented as white kids.”

nikoCSFB tweet: Joe is a racist