Monday, February 8, 2021

I saw my first double-masker yesterday

When some “expert” suggests double-masking might be better, rather than fight back against the insanity, some people, like mindless Pavlovian sheep, unquestioningly obey. 
It’s pathetic, really.

It took me three days to dig myself out from the Nor’easter that hit us last week; and yesterday, I was finally able to venture out to run some errands. Which was good because I ran out of V-8 Healthy Greens juice. And while at the grocery store checkout, I saw my very first double-masker.

Here in New York we are required to wear masks when we go to the store or the bank or whatever. For all I know we’re also supposed to be wearing them any time we’re out of our homes. But since I’m not an idiot, I only put one on when I go inside a business since they’ll toss me out if I don’t.

I’ve been using the same mask for four months. It’s the one the hospital gave me when I went to the ER in October.

Frankly I’m surprised I haven’t spotted a double-masker before now. Then again, I work from home, so other than a trip to the drug store or the grocery store, I rarely have reason to be out and about.


I discovered double-masker lady in the checkout line. And since I’m what’s known as a “checkout chatter,” I figured I’d said a friendly hello.

In response to my hello, double-masker lady said something more involved to which, clearly, she wanted a response. But the two masks on her face muffled her voice so much, I couldn’t understand her.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” I queried.

Double-masker repeated her muffled remark – this time with hand gestures.

Nope. The hand gestures didn’t help; I had no idea what she was saying.

I used to have an easier time figuring out what my dog was trying to tell me.

I gave her a shrug and looked away.

In mask-mandated states, there are two kinds of people:

There’s the people who keep a mask in their cars to slip on when they enter a store then quickly take it off the minute they walk out.

And then there’s the people who wear a mask when driving in their cars and unquestioningly become double-maskers because some unnamed “expert” suggested it.

The lady at checkout was the latter.

Given the elaborate twist of the elastic on her set of masks, I guarantee you, Double-Masker wasn’t taking that get-up off when she walked out of the store.

It looked really uncomfortable if you want to know the truth.

And as I stood there looking at the twin bands of elastic bending this poor woman’s ear, I thought to myself, “If Fauci told her to wear six masks with a cucumber duct taped to the top, she’d probably do it.”

Whatever happened to the old adage “Question authority?”

Far too many Americans have surrendered that rebellious spirit we were once famous for.

I know we like to talk about how America is the place of “rugged individualism.” And one time that was no doubt true. But it isn’t true anymore.

It certainly isn’t true here in New York State, I can tell you that much.

All it took was a virus out of China to turn us into frightened sheep.

When all this started, I actually thought that Americans wouldn’t put up with this garbage for long.

Boy, was I wrong.

We’ve allowed our entire economy to be destroyed out from under us. Children are near suicidal basket cases from being barred from school and there’s barely a peep of outrage.

And when some “expert” suggests double-masking might be better, rather than fight back against the insanity, some people, like mindless Pavlovian sheep, unquestioningly obey.

It’s pathetic, really.

I’ve never been so disappointed in my fellow man.

“Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” has been downsized to “Land of the Mandated and Home of the Sheep.”

Now obeying mandates is “patriotic” while standing up for freedom and individual liberty is “selfish.”

Perhaps it’s because I live in New York State that I don’t see this changing any time soon.

New Yorkers had a bit of a head start when it comes to acting like obedient serfs. Which might be why I chuckle every time King Cuomo burps out his “New York Tough” messaging.

Imagine thinking someone wearing two masks because some nameless “expert” suggested it is an example of “New York Tough.”

“Obedient” isn’t a synonym for “Tough.”

Nor is it a synonym for “Patriotic.”

Not long ago when I was out running errands, the guy in front of me at the convenience store checkout was told he could no longer buy more than four of his vaping refills per day. He was stunned.

And because I’m a checkout chatter, I said, “You can thank our idiot governor for that.”

Even with his face hidden behind the mandated mask, I could see the horror and disgust crawl over it.

You’d think I committed blasphemy from the way he reacted.

“New York Tough” my ass.

I’m surrounded by sheep; and it’s starting to wear a little thin. And if I’m completely honest, the idea of moving to Florida and getting the hell away from these people is becoming more and more appealing with each passing day.