Thursday, February 4, 2021

House Republicans Vote to Keep Liz Cheney in Leadership Position

A complete hot mess… The MAGA movement has a lot of work ahead.

House republican representatives voted 145-61 to keep Liz Cheney in power as the #3 in the leadership position within the House GOP.  Only 61 House republicans voted to remove her.

WASHINGTON DC – Rep. Liz Cheney will keep her job as the No. 3 House Republican after a resounding victory on Wednesday evening, easily beating back a conservative-led push to oust her as conference chair for voting to impeach Donald Trump.

The effort by Trump loyalists to punish Cheney, the highest-ranking woman in GOP leadership, had been brewing for weeks and finally came to head during a heated, closed-door meeting that stretched for more than four hours as several dozen members defended or condemned her.

But in the end, the overwhelming majority of House Republicans voted on a secret ballot to keep Cheney in power: 145 Republicans voted against the resolution calling on her to step down, while just 61 voted for it, according to sources with knowledge of the tally.  (read more)