Friday, February 26, 2021

FBI Memos Using Stefan Halper Released, Show FBI Targeting Effort Against Trump Campaign

John Solomon has obtained the FBI memos and 302 reports from their interviews and interactions with their enlisted spygate operative Stefan Halper.

[Direct pdf link – and Embed below]

The FBI documents outline how Stefan Halper was enlisted by the FBI for their operation to target the campaign of Donald Trump in 2016. Halper agreed to become a confidential human source (CHS) or spy for the FBI, and record contacts with several members of the Trump campaign in order to frame the Russian collusion narrative.

Despite secret recordings showing Carter Page clearly had no idea about any Russian connections to the campaign, or people within it; and despite Page clearly rebuking any effort to draw those inferences; the FBI still went forward with a Title-1 FISA surveillance warrant against Page and never informed the court of the exculpatory recordings.

SOLOMON – […] The memos show that the FBI instructed Halper in August 2016 not to focus on Papadopoulos first, but rather on Page, whom the FBI described as an “opportune target.” Papadopoulos was given the code name Crossfire Typhoon (CT), while Page was given the codename Crossfire Dragon (CD) in the memos.

“The main goal of the operation is to have CD admit that he has direct knowledge of and is either helping coordinate or assisting the RF [Russian Federation] conduct an active measure campaign with the ‘Trump Team,'” stated an Aug. 24, 2016 report detailing the FBI’s interactions with Halper that week.

If the Page operation failed, the FBI “team would then change its posture and move forward with an operation against CROSSFIRE TYPHOON,” the memos stated. (read more)

Here’s the embed of the memos and reports:

  • Crossfire Hurricane [“CH”] = Overall operation against Trump
  • Crossfire Dragon [“CD”] = Carter Page
  • Crossfire Fury [CF”] = Paul Manafort
  • Crossfire Typhoon [“CT”] = George Papadopoulos
  • Crossfire Razor [“CR”] = Michael Flynn
  • Crossfire Wind [“CW”] = Walid Phares

Rather ironically, five days before the 2016 election FBI intelligence agent provocateur Stefan Halper gave an interview to Sputnik News where he outlined his agenda; in hindsight the aggregate agenda of the Obama administration:

“I believe [Hillary] Clinton would be best for US-UK relations and for relations with the European Union. Clinton is well-known, deeply experienced and predictable. US-UK relations will remain steady regardless of the winner although Clinton will be less disruptive over time.”  ~ Stefan Halper

2016 was not CIA/FBI Agent Halper’s first endeavor into manipulating the outcomes of U.S. political elections.  Indeed manipulating elections it is a specific skill-set within his curriculum vitae.   As noted in a New York Times article 35-years ago:

1983 – […] An operation to collect inside information on Carter Administration foreign policy was run in Ronald Reagan’s campaign headquarters in the 1980 Presidential campaign. […]  it involved a number of retired Central Intelligence Agency officials and was highly secretive.

The sources identified Stefan A. Halper, a campaign aide involved in providing 24-hour news updates and policy ideas to the traveling Reagan party, as the person in charge.

[…]  Speaking of Mr. Halper, David Prosperi, a Reagan campaign aide, now with the Superior Oil Company, said, ”He provided us with wire stories and Carter speeches, but people talked about his having a network that was keeping track of things inside the Government, mostly in relation to the October surprise.”  (read more)

Some terrific background research on Stefan Halper was done long before mainstream media picked up on his role as FBI Agent Provocateur.  A 2018 Twitter Thread by TheWarEconomy outlined the scale of Agent Halper’s work weaving intelligence operations and U.S. politics into a deep state career. Including:

♦ Agent Halper worked as an assistant to three Chiefs of Staff – Alexander Haig (until September 21, 1974), then Donald Rumsfeld (from September 21, 1974 to November 20, 1975), and then Dick Cheney (from November 20, 1975 to January 20, 1977). (link)

♦Agent Halper worked as a legislative assistant to Senator William Roth of Delaware holding this position from 1977 to 1979.  Because Halper was working with Senator Roth, he also became a Special Counsel to the United States Congress’ Joint Economic Committee. (link)

♦In 1979, agent Halper left both positions to become the National Director for Policy Development for George H. W. Bush’s Presidential campaign. (link)  Halper then became the National Director of Policy Coordination on the Reagan / Bush Presidential campaign. (link)

♦ On November 4, 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected to become the President of the United States. From 1981 to 1984, agent Halper worked as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. (link)  As such, Halper served under three different Secretaries of State – Alexander Haig (from January 22, 1981 to July 5, 1982), Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. (from July 5, 1982 to July 16, 1982) and George P. Shultz (from July 16, 1982 to 1984).

♦After this, agent Halper became a Senior Advisor to the Department of Defense, and a Senior Advisor to the Department of Justice, positions lasting from 1984 to 2001. (link)

♦Agent Halper’s former father-in-law was Ray Cline, who was the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. (link)  As Chairman of Palmer National Bank, Agent Halper  made loans to customs who then used it to channel the money to a Swiss bank account controlled by Colonel Oliver North, who then used the same bank account to provide military assistance to the contras. (link)

♦Along with Agent Halper, several Central Intelligence Agency related people were on the H. W. Bush campaign, including Ray Cline, Sam Wilson, Howard Aaron, Henry Knoche, Robert Gambino, Bruce Rounds, Jon Thomas, Jack Coackley and Richard Stillwell. All working with agent Halper. (link)

♦Agent Halper was on the Board of Directors at the National Intelligence Study Center, alongside his father-in-law and CIA Director Ray Cline, in 1983.  (link)  Agent Halper and his team of Central Intelligence Agency people during the Reagan / Bush ticket actually collected inside information on the Carter Administration’s foreign policy – with Halper in charge. (link)