Saturday, February 20, 2021

Fauci wins $1M and Senate Dems want you to congratulate him

Say, have you gotten your promised $2,000 yet? No? Ah, well. 
On a more celebratory note, Anthony Fauci just won a $1M prize!

Say, have you gotten your promised $2,000 yet? No? Ah, well. On a more celebratory note, Anthony Fauci just won a $1M prize!

Isn’t that terrific?!

Sure, your businesses are going bankrupt and your bills unpaid. But the highest-paid employee in the Federal Government just scored a cool million!!

And the Senate Democrats, who can’t get their crap together to mail you a paltry $2,000 check, want you to join them in congratulating Fauci’s good fortune.

Fauci wins $1M and Senate Dems want you to congratulate him

Now, far be it from me to distract from the Outrage Machine’s faux incandescent anger over Ted Cruz traveling to Cancun. But can you believe just how out of touch Senate Democrats are? Asking the very people they stiffed out of a measly $2,000 to congratulate the guy responsible for their financial distress because he won a $1M prize.

Honestly, these people are genuinely awful human beings.

Sure, they love, love, LOVE to tell you how hard they’re fighting for you. But when the rubber meets the road, they really, truly couldn’t give less of a shit about you if they took a pill to achieve it.

Instead of sending out a fundraising email, the Senate Democrats should drop the pretense and just spit in our faces.

Now, I get why the Senate Democrats would want to gush over Anthony Fauci. Thanks to his hard work in destroying the roaring Trump economy, Democrats were able to defeat Trump and retake the Senate. Of course they want to kiss his ass over his gigantic windfall.

But to send out a campaign fundraising email to people whose jobs were lost, whose businesses were closed, whose bills go unpaid, whose children have been kept out of school going on a year, and whose promised $2,000 relief check ain’t coming?

What assholes.

Fauci destroyed your lives. And rather than get driven out of his job in disgrace, he wins a $1M prize and the fawning praise of the very Democrats who went back on their promise to send you a lousy $2,000 on Day OneTM.

So you’ll forgive me if I don’t join the pig-pile going after Ted Cruz.

What Cruz did was thoughtless.

But these people are in-your-face evil.