Monday, February 22, 2021

Discuss Capitol Breach Investigation and Next Week's Dog & Pony Hearings

Senator Ron Johnson appears on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the upcoming senate pantomime under the auspices of a review of the events around the Capitol Hill breech and security threat.  Johnson is useless.

Next week the senate is expected to hold hearings about the January 6th DC protests that ended with a breach of the Capitol Hill building and chambers of congress.  Democrats want to keep using the 1/6/21 protest as an excuse to justify their newly installed fencing, barbed-wire and security perimeter which includes U.S. military troops.

In the bigger picture the hearings serve to deflect attention away from the fraud in mail-in ballots during the 2020 election by focusing attention away from the issue.  The democrats are attempting to label those who would question the election results as “insurrectionists”.

The hearing schedule around the 1/06/21 protests is an orchestrated effort at narrative engineering to keep attention away from the illegitimacy of a Biden administration.  Meanwhile the quisling GOPe politicians cower in their offices, provide no push-back and worry they will be labeled as extremists by the leftist-media and democrat politicians.