Saturday, February 20, 2021

Cruz goes to Cancun while Gillibrand is radio silent on CuomoGate

Coward Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has said nothing about Cuomo’s growing scandal. 
Call me crazy, but that seems a bit newsier than Cruz in Cancun.

I would like to congratulate the news media on their successful launch of Operation Cancun – that convenient smokescreen story to avoid having to report on the ever-expanding scandal of New York’s “LuvGuv” Andrew Cuomo.

Job well done, guys!

I’m sure Governor Cuomo appreciates the valiant effort of the troops who stormed the beaches of Cancun and got the whole world to focus on a boneheaded optics blunder by the Texas Senator instead of Andrew’s deadly, catastrophic scandal and cover-up.

It’s funny, really. And not in a ha-ha way because I sure as hell ain’t laughing.

With Operation Cancun, reporters proved that they are, in fact, still capable of digging into a story and squeezing every ounce of material out of it.

Between their light-touch coverage of Biden, their zero-touch coverage of Hunter and the reticence to dig into CuomoGate, I really thought they lost that particular skill.

But those skills still exist when the media needs a story big enough to distract Americans from an actual scandal involving a Democrat.

And under the aerial bombardment of Operation Cancun, these reporters gave Cuomo all the cover he needs to cover up his cover-up.

What we learned from Operation Cancun was United States Senators are obligated to be present on the ground during a catastrophic event in their states.

Now, I’m not sure if that means Ted Cruz should don a hardhat and start repairing power lines. But he should be there. I mean, if no other reason than calling state official and lighting a fire under their asses. And we all know he can’t make phone calls from Cancun …

… wait.


Permit me to apply the newly minted Cruz Standard for Senators to my own Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

By the reasoning of the “this is the political scandal of the century” reporters, as a Senator from New York State, Kirsten should be all over CuomoGate like a fly on shit.

And since she’s a Democrat in good standing, and we all know how much Democrats care about people, I’m sure Kirsten’s Twitter feed is chocka block with tweets demanding an investigation into Cuomo’s deadly cover-up.

Well, I searched Senator Gillibrand’s twitter for the name “Cuomo.”

Hang on to your hats, folks.

She mentioned him twice.

Two times in the entire history of that account.

Of those two tweets, only one referenced the COVID pandemic. And it is from March 20, 2020.

Gillibrand Cuomo/COVID tweet

That’s it.

That’s all she wrote.

Over fifteen thousand seniors dead.

An investigation is underway.

LuvGuv threatening Democrat lawmakers who demand answers.

And Senator Kirsten Gillibrand might as well be in Cancun.

Now, to be fair, I also decided to do a search of her non-official Twitter account to see if she might have said something about Cuomo’s deadly scandal from there.

The most recent tweet referencing Governor Cuomo from this account is from April 2016.

I shit you not.

It just tickles me that Kirsten’s ill-fated presidential campaign slogan was “Brave Wins.”

She’s super brave, isn’t she?

Yup. Radio silent on the biggest political scandal in New York history. What a brave little toaster she is.

I think we know why Kirsten didn’t “win.” She’s about as “brave” as Sir Robin.

[Obscure Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference: Duck-Duck-Go it.]

The news media’s Operation Cancun is a transparent and cynical attempt to drown out Andrew Cuomo’s corruption, incompetence and malfeasance with over-the-top histrionics and shrieking over what was, at the end of the day, no more than a boneheaded blunder and an optics disaster.

Meanwhile, Senator Gillibrand can rest easy knowing these same vultures who are digging through Heidi Cruz’s texts messages and turning up outside Senator Cruz’s Texas home will never confront Kirsten over her radio silence about the cover-up of fifteen thousand preventable deaths at the direction of Andrew Cuomo.

It’s good to be a Democrat.