Saturday, February 6, 2021

Congress is in Struggle Session

These narcissistic snowflakes believe their personal struggle session is more important than the people they went to Washington to serve.

Congress is in Struggle Session

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

Sure, you’re struggling to pay your bills while wannabe tyrant governors force you from your jobs. Yeah, your kids are suffering from depression from being kept out of school. But Congress has more important things to deal with – like staging a teen-angst, navel-gazing struggle session broadcast live on CSPAN.

How many people were murdered during this summer’s endless rioting?

How many businesses were burned to the ground?

How many were harassed and attacked by radical BLM activists while they were sitting quietly at an outdoor café or walking down the sidewalk?

But none of that matters.

The economic upheaval, the financial ruin, the grief of family members who were barred from being with their loved ones when they died – none of that matters to House Democrats.


All that matters is their “lived experience” and “trauma.”

They are no longer Representatives of the people; they are narcissistic snowflakes who believe their personal struggle session is more important than the people they went to Washington to serve.

And the star of the Congressional Struggle Session melodrama was, of course, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

As Michael Tracey put it last night on Twitter:

Congress has turned into some kind of bizarre public psychotherapy session where elected officials compete amongst one another for who can exhibit the most overbearing narcissistic personality disorder

Yes, Nancy Pelosi staged this struggle session to give Alexandria an opportunity to “clap back” at those who pointed out that she was not in the Capitol building during the melee on January 6. Her life was not in danger; and nobody tried to get her murdered.

Fellow navel-gazing House Democrats joined in the struggle session to “condemn” those who are trying to deprive poor Alexandria of her Truth and lived experience.

They’re all “survivors,” don’t you know.

Say, have you gotten your $2,000 relief check yet?


Ah, well. Sucks to be you. Now let the Congressional Struggle Session commence!!!

One after the other these highly-paid drama queens stepped to the microphone to share their “trauma” – Rashida “We’re gonna impeach the motherfucker” Tlaib sobbed uncontrollably as she yammered on about the rioters who dragged her out of her car and beat her unconscious.

Wait. No. That wasn’t Rashida. That was just some poor guy in Portland who tried to stop BLM rioters from attacking someone else.

Nothing happened to Rashida Tlaib.

Freshman Congresswoman Cori Bush (who just this summer was among the mob of BLM rioters who breached the gate into a private community to “confront” the mayor) lectured us rags and tatters for trying to invalidate the traumatic experience of these fragile politicians when a mob of rioters breached the doors of the Capitol to “confront” the politicians inside.

You terrible citizens who pointed out Alexandria was lying! You were invalidating her trauma! You aren’t permitted to invalidate her trauma! That’s harmful!!!

Whereas swarming a private community and traumatizing the homeowners apparently isn’t harmful.

It’s as if the Oberlin student government pulled up stakes and moved to Washington.

Several years ago I did a radio interview and the host pointed out that college snowflakes are in for a rude awakening when they enter the real world.

I told him no.

College students aren’t in for a shock. They’re bringing their snowflake culture into the real world with them. It is metastasizing and spreading throughout our institutions, corporations, and now the House of Representatives.

And yesterday’s televised struggle session proved it.

Our so-called “representatives” are a bunch of ridiculous navel-gazing narcissists.

They make the laws we are required to obey.

They are the ones who have the power to declare war.

We pay them over $174K a year and this is how they spend their time?

For crying out loud, one Minnesota Congressman spent the struggle session tearfully apologizing to Alexandria for not recognizing his “privilege.”

I mean, it’s as if Kurt Schlichter’s Kelly Turnbull novels are coming true.

Naturally the media is amplifying this struggle session. Because of course they are.

The news media no longer sees its role as holding the powerful to account.

Now its role is shielding the powerful while putting us rags and tatters in our place.

And why did Nancy Pelosi stage this idiotic struggle session?

Because normal people out here in America caught on to the fact that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lied about her near-death experience at the hands of marauding white supremacist insurrectionists.

Alexandria got caught in a manifest lie. So the whole of Congress was deployed to “validate” “her truth” and “lived experience” while defending the fragile flower from the very people these assholes are supposed to represent.

They don’t care about you.

They don’t care that panic porn over a virus 99% of us will survive has destroyed our jobs and sent our children reeling into depression, substance abuse and suicide.

They don’t care about any of it.

And if they thought people were angry before, they ain’t seen nothing yet.