Friday, February 26, 2021

Bill Would Establish Minutemen of the State of Missouri


Missouri Senate Bill 528 Would Establish Minutemen of the State

Current Bill Summary

SB 528 - This act establishes that there shall be the minutemen of the state which shall be called into service by the governor for use in defense during a state of emergency with consent of two-thirds of the General Assembly.

Any legal Missouri resident who is eligible to be a lawful firearm owner may voluntarily join the minutemen by enrolling with the Department of Public Safety. Only the volunteer's name and address shall be collected by the Department. The volunteer shall keep his or her address current with the Department. The list of enrolled minutemen with the Department is not subject to disclosure under law and shall not be shared or disseminated. Any person responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of this list, in part or in whole, shall be subject to a $1,000 fine per each name that is disclosed and a Class E felony. A volunteer may resign at an time prior to being called into service under this section.

All volunteers shall be required to secure themselves with firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, uniforms, equipment, and supplies necessary to perform any duties as assigned by the governor. Any such firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, uniforms, equipment, and supplies shall be property of the state for purposes of sovereignty and jurisdiction in matters of judicial, taxation, and police powers exercised by the state when a member is called into service. All firearms and equipment of the minutemen shall not be subject to an tax or registration requirements.

This act also provides that governor shall make and publish such regulations governing the organization, discipline, and training of the minutemen of the state as may be necessary to its efficiency and such regulations shall have the authority of law. The governor is the commander in chief of the minutemen of the state. The governor shall be charged with the supervision of all matters pertaining to the administration, discipline, mobilization, organization, and training of the minutemen of the state.

This act does not include members of the organized or unorganized militia pursuant to current law. Additionally, the state shall have immunity from liability for compensatory damages for negligent acts or omissions of any volunteer of the minutemen and from any criminal act committed by any volunteer of the minutemen while enrolled in the minutemen or while acting in the course of his or her duties. 


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