Friday, February 5, 2021

Bank of America Notifying Feds of Customer Purchase History to Use Targeting Capitol Protestors

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, yet it does.  According to a segment aired last night on Tucker Carlson's television show, Bank of America sent customer purchasing history to federal agencies to assist in their investigation of persons who attended the January 6th protest in Washington DC.  WATCH THIS:

Again, demonstrating the ramifications from a lack of privacy protection, the assembly of an enemies list has been part of the overall investigation.  Gizmodo outlined how the phone numbers of Parler users were tracked using GPS and also used by investigators [SEE HERE] However, in contrast to the reality of the situation, the owners of Parler still claim no user data was ever collected.

According to Tucker Carlson’s reporting one Bank of America customer was targeted, interrogated and released after nothing was discovered.  However, this type of exploitation should serve as a warning to Americans…. There is a big brother, and that system can/will be weaponized by government if/when an ideological administration is in power.