Thursday, February 4, 2021

Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett

Don’t you hate when your big, fat lie 
blows up in your face like a trick cigar?

Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

said this morning that the best offense against AOC’s defensive manipulation is to call it out. And, boy, is that happening today. The news that she was nowhere near the Capitol riot has spread like wildfire – so much so she has been rechristened Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett.

In fact, Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett has become so popular it is trending on Twitter.

Twitter trend

I took that screen capture about an hour ago when only 20.7K tweets featured the hashtag.

Now the hashtag has 145K tweets.

In an hour!

And, boy is AOS angry. She got caught in a big, fat lie. And rather than shut her trap for once, Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett is doing her famous digging again.

Remember her digging?  I did an entire series of her digging herself deeper and deeper into a hole. You can see the whole series in the Rogues Gallery of the Dianny Images Vault.

She’s doubling down on her “I was a victim of sexual assault” shtick – no doubt hoping doing so will stop folks from noticing she was in a separate building which not one so-called “insurrectionist” breached.

And here Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett told us she had a near-death experience.

I wonder if she also had a Subway sandwich.

Say, how much you wanna bet that the White Supremacists who came to kill her looked like this?

Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett white guys



Tracey Mace tweet: Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett

Sometimes Karma acts super fast.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett just go hit with a Karma Quick Response Team.

I wonder if it yelled “This is MAGA Country!” when it hit her.

You’ll forgive me for enjoying the hell out of this. But I’m tired from digging myself out from all the snow from that damn Nor’easter, and I needed a good belly laugh.