Thursday, January 21, 2021

Warning: Some Inauguration coverage not suitable for children

After all those years of unwanted touching, 
Joe finally found people eager to quiver with 
orgasmic delight at the mere sight of him.

If you and your family plan to watch CNN or MSNBC’s coverage of Joe Biden’s Inauguration, please heed this warning.

It will include scenes of simulated coital ecstasy and open fellatio not suitable for children.

Actually, that warning should apply to any sane adults not particularly interested in watching Jake Tapper orgasm on live television.

Hell, let’s just issue a blanket warning.

Don’t watch cable news today because you’re going to think you accidentally stumbled onto Pornhub.

The foreplay began yesterday when the Biden family touched down at Andrews sending an intensity of quivers and chills through the nether regions of on-air personalities even Jenna Jameson at her peak couldn’t achieve.

Now, this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone.

Biden’s inauguration has one target audience: the media.

The American people are inconsequential here. Team Biden’s goal is to win the media to its side. As if that was going to be difficult.

After all those years of unwanted touching, Joe finally found people eager to quiver with orgasmic delight at the mere sight of him.

Move over Pamela Des Barres! The American news media are going to go full-on groupie. But not backstage where nobody can see. Nope. They’re doing it live before a national audience.

And while Biden’s Inauguration is targeted toward the media, the media’s simulated ecstasy has a target audience of one: Donald Trump.

Like a bitter girl trying to make her ex jealous by hanging all over the first dope who crosses her path, the media hope to make Trump furious by cooing with orgasmic pleasure over dopey Joe and Kamala.

Let this be your warning.

Nobody should have to endure this level of get-a-roominess.

And this is only just beginning. The media’s euphoric delight will not end today or tomorrow, or next week, or next month.

This viewer discretion warning will have to remain in place for the duration of Biden Harris Administration.

It will be that sickening and over-the-top.

Hey, speaking of sickening and over-the-top.

Remember a week and a half ago when I told you about the outrage over Vogue’s cover shot of Kamala Harris?

I said at the end of the post:

This is for the February cover. How much do you want to bet Vogue caves to social media pressure from the Kamala super-fans (and the Kamala PR people) and changes the cover shot to the one Team Kamala wants?

I’m saying the odds are good.

And I was right. Yesterday Vogue caved. They will be releasing a “limited edition” version with the approved photo in place of the bedsheet backdrop cover photo.

So let this serve as a warning.  After four years of going to the opposite extreme over Trump, the media is now doing a complete one-eighty and going to the other extreme over Biden and Harris.

In fact, if the last 24 hours are any indication, the media’s NC-17 behavior over Biden and will make their near-orgasmic coverage of Barack Obama look PG-13 by comparison.

And they’ve only just begun.