Friday, January 8, 2021

The old litter has been replaced by a new litter

After New York bans plastic grocery bags to cut down on litter, 
a new kind of litter takes their place.

Last year New York State joined California in banning single-use plastic grocery bags. It was for the Planet, don’t you know. Virtue-signaling politicians gave harrowing speeches about the unsightly litter caused by these enemies of Mother Earth.

“They’re floating in our waterways! They end up in your yard! Your garden! Why, they even get caught in the trees! We must ban the plastic grocery bag menace to make our state litter-free!”

Well, like most government bans, the goal – reducing litter – failed.

Thanks to Governor Cuomo’s mask mandate the old litter has been replaced by a new litter – the single use medical mask.

The new litter

I admit, when I saw this in the parking lot of my drug store I laughed out loud – mostly because of the “grocery bags get caught in our trees!!!” excuse for banning bags. It probably looked pretty odd when I drove over to the tree, climbed out of my car and snapped this picture.

And I could’ve taken a bunch of other pictures if I had a mind and it wasn’t so cold. Like the salt you track in from the sidewalk on a winter’s day, the new litter is everywhere now. I’ve been seeing masks on the streets, sidewalks, parking lots, my yard. The new litter has replaced the old litter.

The funny part is, the people who virtue signal over using reusable grocery bags to cut down on litter are the same people who virtue signal over wearing masks.

Ah, the irony.

I wonder how long before the NYS legislature decides to ban the use of these paper medical masks and forces everyone to buy a reusable masks so they can eradicate this new kind of litter?

But, shhhhh! Given how ban-happy New York State is, I don’t want to give them any ideas.