Saturday, January 16, 2021

The buycott: An economic alternative to the one-party state

Article by W.D. Bert Newman in The American Thinker

The buycott: An economic alternative to the one-party state

We are fighting the wrong war!  Conservatives, Libertarians, Republicans, and any who generally support free markets and free thought have lost the political battle — for the moment.  The electronic and print media, many large corporations, big technology companies, and most every source of opinion that we have come to rely on have demonstrated convincingly that they are now supporting the suppression of free speech.  They are limiting or canceling any individuals, opinions, and ideas they deem unfit.  This is a dangerous and unprecedented development in the history of our Republic, and it must be resisted if our political institutions are to survive.

The form of this resistance, however, cannot rely solely on a political solution.  Nor can our frustrations be satisfied by street violence or thuggery.  There is a logical, rational, and free-market alternative to counter the increasing dominance of those who would suppress thoughts and ideas, and that is through the economy.  We need to put our money where our ideas are.  We need to support those businesses and institutions that generally agree with the notions of freedom, and we must stop enabling those who actively promote exclusion, silencing, and groupthink.  For much too long, those of us who believe in basic freedoms have economically contributed to the growth, ideas, and power of those who oppose these freedoms.  These organizations all have at least one thing in common: they rely on the markets to provide them with customers, users, eyeballs, and profits.  Capitalism gives us, at least for now, a legal and moral format to deny them all that they rely upon.

Boycotts of these businesses are simplistic and begin with a negative premise.  A buycott, on the other hand, would emphasize the positive aspects of helping those who have demonstrated shared values and who are more interested in profits than politics.  This Buycott would have at least three basic elements:

  1. Buy small.  In general, the bigger businesses have more to gain from, and are more supportive of, centralized government.  Small businesses tend to be more innovative and less in favor of regulation.  Look for alternatives to services and products that you normally consume.  Try to avoid the large vendors online.  If you are critical of a product or service, or the company that is promoting it, just don't buy it or use it.  The free market will, in the coming months, provide you with a myriad of alternatives to the monolithic and monopolistic corporations (even social networks).
  2. Buy local.  Where possible, shop your local merchants, restaurants, bars, and stores.  They will need this help in the recovery from the virus shutdowns, and they are more likely to agree with your concerns about the economic and political dominance of the NASDAQ 100.  Bypass the big boxes and the franchises.  Support the storefronts.  These small businesses are vital to the survival of our freedom and independence.
  3. Buy American.  We are in an economic struggle not only with China, but with those who would outsource our jobs and careers in the name of globalism.  Look at the label and choose to support those companies who actually produce here.

Buying in this manner will not always be easy.  At times, it will be more expensive, less convenient, and even difficult or not possible.  The alternative is to continue to encourage domination by a few large corporations who do not have your interests at heart.  Support and promote the buycott!

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