Saturday, January 23, 2021

Speaker Pelosi Will Send Trump Impeachment Article to Senate on Monday

Friday afternoon House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confirmed she will be sending an article of impeachment against President Trump to the senate on Monday.  Chuck Schumer confirms the senate trial will likely take place next week.

Any GOP Senator who goes along with this insufferably political scheme to target former President Trump will face a primary challenge in their next election.  We will ensure.

WASHINGTON DC – […] In a statement later on Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confirmed the plan and dismissed concerns by Republicans that Trump’s legal team wouldn’t have adequate time.

“The former president will have had the same amount of time to prepare for trial as our Managers,” Pelosi said, referring to her hand-picked team of House Democrats who will essentially serve as prosecutors in the Senate trial.

“The House has been respectful of the Senate’s constitutional power over the trial and always attentive to the fairness of the process,” Pelosi later added in a letter sent to her members, noting that Monday would be a “momentous and solemn day.”

Democrats have not yet offered details on when the trial will begin, but Pelosi’s decision to formally deliver the article of impeachment on Monday means that the Senate trial will likely begin early next week, absent a consent agreement between Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Under Senate rules, an impeachment trial must begin within one day after the House sends its article if the chamber is in session, unless Schumer and McConnell agree to a different timetable. (read more)

The goal of the entire democrat effort is to use Alinsky tactics against President Trump, and make sure he is not able to: run for office again, retain secret service protection.  Everything now is about targeting political opposition.  It’s all ugly… Big and Ugly.


Chuck Schumer Outlines Impeachment Schedule – 

Senate Trial Scheduled February 8, 2021

Under the timeline outlined by Senator Chuck Schumer [01:40 of video] the House will deliver the article of impeachment Monday evening January 25th.  Senators will be sworn-in Tuesday January 26th, and the trial will officially begin the week of February 8th.