Tuesday, January 12, 2021

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Shifts “We Must Reopen The Economy”

With the JoeBama administration looming, suddenly New York totalitarian Governor Andrew Cuomo has a reversal in position:

If you read that and said… “wha, wait.. huh?”, you would not be alone.   After initiating lock-down measures that collapsed the New York economy because there was no other option…. suddenly the risks of economic collapse are worse than the COVID-19 threat, which is the same message President Trump has been sharing for months. What gives?

[…] New York has used just half of its roughly one million vaccine doses so far, and Cuomo said New York won’t have enough doses for roughly four million eligible New Yorkers until mid-April, based on the state’s federal allotment of 300,000 vaccines per week.

[…] “We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass,” Cuomo said.  (read more)

The timing of this seems to be connected to the shift in administration; which would imply, publicly, that COVID shutdowns are indeed -as most have said- very politically motivated.

It will be interesting to see how California Governor Gavin Newsom responds to the shift in position from Cuomo.

The economic damage has been catastrophic, but all of the totalitarian governors have used the COVID threat to justify their action.  This shift today is in direct contrast to several months of narrative drum-beating.  Is this the inflection point where we discover that COVID was weaponized for maximum political value?