Friday, January 15, 2021

Liz McCainey

Liz McCainey rushed into impeachment with the same 
thoughtless disregard these establishment Republicans 
showed when they rushed into foreign wars.

Ah, the siren song of cable news adoration. It is hard to resist, n’est-ce pas? Mitt Romney can’t resist it. Nor did the late John McCain. And neither, apparently, can Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz Cheney. Or, Liz McCainey as the case may be.

When Liz McCainey “bravely” “defied” her fellow Republicans and announced that she would be voting to impeach President Trump for the crime of … (well, they never held any hearings or presented any evidence, so I’m not sure what the “crime” was, but never mind), the media gushed and squealed with delight.

Chamberlain tweet: Liz McCainey

The only good Republican is Democrat-approved Republican.

And the only Republican “courage” that is applauded is the “courage” to fall in line with the Left.

We all know that there are Republicans whose raison d’être is pleasing the Democrats and their media handmaids – even if the media and Democrats have a history of attacking them.

All the same Leftists and cable news talking heads who railed against Liz McCainey when she criticized AOC’s “illegal detention centers are just like concentration camps” caterwauling are now declaring that by doing what the Democrats want, Liz is now “positioned” to lead the new Trumpless GOP.

They’re even speculating that, with joining the Democrats on impeachment, Liz is now very well positioned to take the 2024 Republican nomination.


Yes, that’s some spot-on, finger-on-the-pulse-of-the-people analysis, isn’t it?

Seems self-evident, but if the Democrat-aligned media is celebrating you, you probably won’t be very popular among Republican voters.

Same goes for receiving plaudits from the establishment NeverTrumpers who long for the days of the pro-regime change, war-for-any-reason, media ass-kissing Surrender Party of John McCain.

JK Tweet: Liz McCainey

Liz Cheney is now the “leader” of the Republican Party so long as you define the Republican Party as “the party that hates its own voters and fights to preserve the governing elite while getting us into pointless wars.”

As far as that goes, Liz McCainey is perfect choice.

After all, she rushed into impeaching the President with the same thoughtless disregard these establishment Republicans showed when they rushed us into foreign wars.

But at least when they rushed us into Iraq they put up the pretense of providing “evidence” that it was justified.

And what a success Liz McCainey’s leadership was yesterday!

Liz was such a strong and rallying leader of the new Trumpless GOP, she managed to sway (*checks notes*) only nine other Republicans to join her over the cliff.

Then again, that might be one of the reasons they’re celebrating McCainey. At the end of the day, she’s exactly the kind of Republican Democrats and the media love: she’s willing to betray Republican voters while remaining entirely ineffectual in Congress.