Thursday, January 14, 2021

Liz Cheney Drops Mask, Shows Full Decepticon Side, Votes for Impeachment, Faces Backlash

Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney is well known to the CTH community as a DeceptiCon.


Lesser known – Mary Cheney, Liz’s sister, was installed in the 2015 campaign of Dr. Ben Carson to control his outside candidacy; this was part of the larger 2016 presidential “splitter strategy.” An example of the Machievellian moves people are now awakening to understand.   This is the way the DeceptiCons work….

Today Liz Cheney did what DeceptiCons do; she voted to impeach the threat.

WASHINGTON DC – “I don’t think she should be the chair of the Republican conference anymore,” Rep. Andy Biggs, the head of the House Freedom Caucus, told Fox News host Shannon Bream. “The reality is she’s not representing the conference; she’s not representing the Republican ideals.”

Another GOP congressman, Montana Rep. Rosendale, also released a statement calling for Cheney to step down.

“When Representative Cheney came out for impeachment today, she failed to consult with the Conference, failed to abide by the spirit of the rules of the Republican Conference, and ignored the preferences of Republican voters,” Rosendale said in a statement. “She is weakening our conference at a key moment for personal political gain and is unfit to lead. She must step down as Conference Chair.” (read more)

Liz Cheney is the Mitt Romney of Nikki Haleys’… Ms. Cheney was hand selected by Paul Ryan to retain the GOPe torch as he walked backward toward the exits. The UniParty is in a state of crisis…. Obviously President Trump is the greatest threat, outsiders always are; within that dynamic, masks eventually drop.

Almost five years ago CTH first outlined the GOPe splitter strategy and the subsequent tripwires showcasing how the Republican political establishment manipulated the conservative movement, and our activity within elections, for many years.

In the background it took almost two years of research and tracking to identify their 2016 agenda before we could intercept it. What follows below is of a similar level of importance.

Those who can see the maneuvers of the GOPe may have noticed the recent positioning of two key players, Nikki Haley and Liz Cheney.  Both Haley and Cheney are part of a decepticon club positioning to undermine President Trump and the America First agenda. We have previously outlined the agenda of Haley (here); so it’s time to review Cheney.

When Paul Ryan left congress he exited his role as the primary inside resistance operative; however, he did not stop the agenda.  Knowing President Trump was now officially the head of the formal republican party, prior to departure Ryan positioned Liz Cheney as an influence agent with her role as Republican Conference Chairwoman.  Essentially an explosive anti-MAGA cell with instructions to activate at a time of maximum damage.

We first warned of the Liz Cheney issue in November of 2018 after the mid-term election.

Newly installed Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney (U-DC) appears on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss how the GOPe can best infiltrate the MAGA agenda.

Ms. Cheney outlines how the ‘Prescott-Bush-Stapleton’ Wall Street coalition will openly embrace all of the Trump agenda initiatives because the GOPe are able to hide behind the minority shield once again. [Thus, the dance of the decepticons]

The professionally republican no longer have the power to promote the MAGA agenda, thus the GOPe evolve back into fully embracing border security etc. It is predictable, albeit eye-opening for some, to watch them morph in real time. (link)

Two recent resistance articles highlight Ms. Cheney’s decepticon agenda mid-2020.  CNN article here and Wall St. Journal article here.  While both articles are narrated from the resistance perspective, each of them holds some common truth.

(WSJ) […] With national polls showing Mr. Trump sliding ahead of November’s election, many Republicans see Ms. Cheney—a daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney—emerging as a figure poised to help redefine the GOP when Mr. Trump is no longer leading it.

“If you’re trying to rebuild the team postelection, having a strong woman with conservative credentials from flyover country is a pretty strong platform,” said former Senate GOP aide Stewart Verdery (link – paywall)

(CNN) […] Republican sources close to Cheney told CNN they believe her recent posture towards the White House could be an attempt to carve out her own distinctive lane, positioning herself well in case Trump loses reelection. She would be able to make the case to her GOP colleagues that she was one of the few who pushed back on the President’s excesses — but without doing so in a way that antagonized him or his supporters.

[…] Cheney chose not to run for the Senate earlier this year, saying she wanted to stay in the House to stop “socialist Democrats.” Some of her colleagues say they view her as a potential House speaker if Republicans regain the House in the future. (link – CNN)

It is not accidental that Nikki Haley launched a new Super Pac today, on the same day that President Trump is impeached.

”Once you see the strings on the Decepticon marionettes, it is impossible to return to a time when you did not see them.”… (link)