Monday, January 11, 2021

Lincoln Project Co-Founder John Weaver Accused by Multiple Young Men of Grooming for Sex

My RedState colleague Brad Slager reported Saturday on how Forbes Magazine was joining the Enemies List brigade by proclaiming to “the business world” that “Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie” and will respond accordingly if any of those businesses hire any former “Trump fabulists” like the ones they had listed in their article (Kayleigh McEnany, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kellyanne Conway, and others).

Not to be outdone, Stuart Stevens, who is listed on the Never Trump group Lincoln Project’s website as an advisor, predictably jumped on the bandwagon and posted this tweet noting what the LP’s plans were on that front to cancel former Trump administration officials from public life:

Political writer/book author Ryan Girdusky saw Stevens’ tweet, and in response alleged that a founding member of the Lincoln Project “groomed young men” and “offered jobs” to them “in exchange for sex”:

The “founding member of the Lincoln Project” Girdusky is referring to is John Weaver.

After Girdusky’s tweets – and Donald Trump Jr’s retweeting of some of them, it was like the floodgates opened as young men stepped forward to talk about their (alleged) creepy experiences with Weaver:

This Twitter user seemed to be vouching for the alleged victim referenced in the above tweet:

Another Twitter user also appeared to back up claims being made by others about Weaver’s alleged stalkerish behavior, claiming it was an “open secret” and that he was surprised it had not been reported on before:

Investigative journalist Scott Steadman wrote about his alleged disturbing experiences with Weaver as well in this lengthy Twitter thread, where he included some screengrabs of DMs and pointed out that his alleged experiences with Weaver “paled in comparison” to others:

As of this writing, none of the Usual Suspects from the Lincoln Project, who typically spend considerable amounts of time on Twitter, have commented publicly on the allegations:

Stay tuned.