Sunday, January 17, 2021

Jill will have to share the spotlight, and she’ll hate that

Jill Biden so hoped to get the celebrity treatment Michelle Obama enjoyed. But unlike Michelle, Jill has to share her time in the spotlight.

I’ve said before that Jill Biden pushed her brain-scrambled husband to run for President out of a vainglorious desire to become First Lady. For eight years she watched as the media shined a glaring spotlight on the dumpy, photogenically-challenged Michelle Obama.

For eight years Jill saw how a First Lady can be transformed into a celebrity.

And boy, is she eager to get that bright spotlight pointing her way.

Anyone vain enough to insist on the honorific “Doctor” for a crap EdD degree would gnaw off her own arm to get the Michelle Obama treatment.

Gnaw off her own arm, or in a pinch, shove her senile, desiccated husband into a presidential race despite his brain turning to Farina. Whichever.

Jill is thirsty for the media spotlight and fawning adoration that Michelle enjoyed for eight glorious years.

Problem is, Jill faces a couple obstacles that Michelle didn’t have.

First, whether she likes it or not, Jill will be forced to share the spotlight with her husband’s choice of VP.

Already Kamala Harris is getting magazine covers and “Tiger Beat”-level gushing features. How can Jill possibly compete with the “firstest-ever-historically-historic-woman-of-color-as-Vice-President” messaging we’re going to get hammered with for the next several months — and beyond.

Good heavens, just Monday alone with be nauseating. Mark my words. It’s MLK Day next Monday. And I guarantee you the near-worshipful “What MLK Would Have Thought About Kamala Harris Becoming VP” articles and cable news hits are going to be excruciatingly over the top.

Jill will either have to share the spotlight with Kamala for as long as she’s First Lady, or Kamala will shove Jill out of the spotlight entirely. And I’m thinking either option will leave the vain Mrs. Biden seething.

But Kamala Harris isn’t Jill’s only obstacle to Michelle-level celebrity.

You know who else is being treated as “Historic?”

Mr. Kamala Harris himself, Doug Emhoff.

Yup. Jill will have to share the spotlight with Mr. Kamala because Mr. Kamala is making history by being the first ever “Second Gentleman.”

Last night when Emhoff received the Twitter handle “@SecondGentleman,” one of Twitter’s comms people gushed over what an “Historic moment” it was.

I mean, Doug didn’t do a damn thing but get assigned the Twitter handle @SecondGentleman and it’s historic!!!

Talk about a low bar.

At this rate, the spotlight on Doug will cast such an enormous shadow over her, nobody would even notice Jill if she was standing right beside him.

Already Doug is getting more of the spotlight as Second Gentleman than Jill got the whole time she was Second Lady.

I wonder how long before Jill creates a sock-puppet account to shit-post about how @SecondGentleman is stealing the thunder from the brilliant, beautiful, talented Doctor Jill.

But Jill isn’t the only Biden having to share the spotlight in the incoming “Biden Administration.” Husband Joe is too.

In fact, for the first time in my memory, next week’s inauguration has poor Joe sharing billing with his running mate.


Even on Joe’s Big Day he’s sharing the spotlight.

Fact is, the Bidens are a second thought in the upcoming Biden Administration. The star of the show is Kamala. Joe and Jill are merely day players.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel sorry for Jill Biden. If anything, I think this is exactly the kind of karmic retribution Jill should get for subjecting her husband to elder abuse, and as a result, subjecting us to her husband.

May she have many days ritualistically setting fire to all of Kamala’s magazine covers.